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Power Query Simple Recursive Custom Column Ending Value

Hi everyone,


I'm having trouble creating a simple recursive formula that allows me to reference a newly created column value as the starting value in a subsequent calculation. See the excel based screenshot below — I need to create a summarized End_Value based on activity during the Month, then conditionally reference that End_Value by ID in order to use it as the Start_Value in the following Month. I've highlighted month 1 ending values and month 2 starting values in green for illustrative purposes. Any advice here would be greatly appreciated!



Super User
Super User

Hi @djburch15, check this:


  • If you don't need to preserve sort order, delete steps AddedIndex, SortedRows and RemovedColumns (it will increase speed if you have bigger dataset).
  • If you want to calculate also Start_Value, you can create new custom colum: End_Value minus Adds minus Removals



    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("Tc7RCcAwCEXRXfxOQJ9Ih5Hsv0aN2iIk/hy8iTuJCC3KyxwTFmOL0VlOABqRKHds40RVbTT+17cUVvZux3myCR7Nltz8pIIt/Y9Z01mz+cMWS1EbtRZBPRR0Xg==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [ID = _t, Month = _t, Start_Value = _t, Adds = _t, Removals = _t]),
    ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"ID", Int64.Type}, {"Month", Int64.Type}, {"Start_Value", type number}, {"Adds", type number}, {"Removals", type number}}),
    AddedIndex = Table.AddIndexColumn(ChangedType, "Index", 0, 1, Int64.Type),
    fn_EndValue = 
        (myTable as table)=>
        [ a = Table.Buffer(Table.SelectColumns(myTable, {"Start_Value", "Adds", "Removals"})),
        lg = 
                    ()=> [ x=0, y = List.Sum(Record.ToList(a{x})) ],
                    each [x] < Table.RowCount(a),
                    each [ x = [x]+1, y = [y] + List.Sum(Record.ToList(a{x})) ],
                    each [y]
        b = Table.FromColumns(Table.ToColumns(myTable) & {lg}, Value.Type(myTable & #table(type table[End_Value=number],{}) ) )
    GroupedRows = Table.Group(AddedIndex, {"ID"}, {{"All", each fn_EndValue(_), type table}}),
    CombinedAll = Table.Combine(GroupedRows[All]),
    SortedRows = Table.Sort(CombinedAll,{{"Index", Order.Ascending}}),
    RemovedColumns = Table.RemoveColumns(SortedRows,{"Index"})

Note: Check this link to learn how to use my query.
Check this link if you don't know how to provide sample data.

View solution in original post

Super User
Super User

It works for data you provided. If you want me to add the code - provide new sample data please.

Note: Check this link to learn how to use my query.
Check this link if you don't know how to provide sample data.

Frequent Visitor

@dufoq3 this appears to work perfectly when's there a single grouped category, however, I have seven separate grouped categories in practice and the above code doesn't seem to be able to reference the newly calculated Start_Value (End_Value = Adds + Removals) in future months

Super User
Super User

Hi @djburch15, check this:


  • If you don't need to preserve sort order, delete steps AddedIndex, SortedRows and RemovedColumns (it will increase speed if you have bigger dataset).
  • If you want to calculate also Start_Value, you can create new custom colum: End_Value minus Adds minus Removals



    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("Tc7RCcAwCEXRXfxOQJ9Ih5Hsv0aN2iIk/hy8iTuJCC3KyxwTFmOL0VlOABqRKHds40RVbTT+17cUVvZux3myCR7Nltz8pIIt/Y9Z01mz+cMWS1EbtRZBPRR0Xg==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [ID = _t, Month = _t, Start_Value = _t, Adds = _t, Removals = _t]),
    ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"ID", Int64.Type}, {"Month", Int64.Type}, {"Start_Value", type number}, {"Adds", type number}, {"Removals", type number}}),
    AddedIndex = Table.AddIndexColumn(ChangedType, "Index", 0, 1, Int64.Type),
    fn_EndValue = 
        (myTable as table)=>
        [ a = Table.Buffer(Table.SelectColumns(myTable, {"Start_Value", "Adds", "Removals"})),
        lg = 
                    ()=> [ x=0, y = List.Sum(Record.ToList(a{x})) ],
                    each [x] < Table.RowCount(a),
                    each [ x = [x]+1, y = [y] + List.Sum(Record.ToList(a{x})) ],
                    each [y]
        b = Table.FromColumns(Table.ToColumns(myTable) & {lg}, Value.Type(myTable & #table(type table[End_Value=number],{}) ) )
    GroupedRows = Table.Group(AddedIndex, {"ID"}, {{"All", each fn_EndValue(_), type table}}),
    CombinedAll = Table.Combine(GroupedRows[All]),
    SortedRows = Table.Sort(CombinedAll,{{"Index", Order.Ascending}}),
    RemovedColumns = Table.RemoveColumns(SortedRows,{"Index"})

Note: Check this link to learn how to use my query.
Check this link if you don't know how to provide sample data.

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