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Couldn't conver to number error

Hello everybody,

I've been getting a we couldn't convert to error error for a few days now.
Because the data is too big, I can't check it from excel.
I tried remove empty and remove error but it didn't work.
Also, as you can see in the picture, the "Total" column looks completely clean.
I'll be happy if you can help me.


Super User
Super User

Hi @recepphaneci ,


It is possible that the error is not showing up because your dataset is only showing the first 1000 rows.

try to double click the message on lower left and select entire dataset.



Please let me know if this helps.





I tried that, but my data is too large i guess. 


Here the ss.


Super User
Super User

@recepphaneci ,
seems like this might be in other queries ( Vendor/ DimPersonnel / Kapsam..).
If you close and apply, a query with the row number and error table along with it's columns show up.


Once the row/column is identified, left-click on the error and it should show what charecters are causing this which could then be replaced.


Appreciate a thumbs up if this is helpful.

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Kind Regards,

Hey thanks for reply first of all, 


I can't get a error table. It is the one of my problem


How can i get it? 


I try to close and apply and it doesn't showed up. 1.jpg2.jpg

This is the kind of message to look for:
While loading after close an apply ( in your example, find the previous table which is causing the error, should look like this) 


if you click on View Errors


Row number and errors in table query will show





clicking on the error the values causing it will show



maybe this helps: How to deal with errors in Power Query (2 ways) - YouTube


Did I answer your question? Mark my post as a solution, this will help others!
If my response(s) assisted you in any way, don't forget to drop me a Kudos 🙂
Kind Regards,

Yes, I understand that just it doesn't showed up show the error box for me. 


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