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PowerBIIntegration Data not population column in powerapp form

Hi Team,

Not sure if I can post my question here but its related to PowerBIIntegration.Data in powerapp.

I have powerbi report in pbi desktop where I am pulling table list from excel file. Table list has Chnage Number as key field. I have used powerApp visual using Change Number from same tabel list. It navigated me to powerapp studio and I created form using same excel list as my data source. In that form ,I want record to be selected to update other fields related to selcted change number. For that I am using Lookup item using PowerBIIntegration.Data but its not populating any data.


I am uisng below function in Item - LookUp('Manual3',Title=First(PowerBIIntegration.Data).Change Number) 

Manual3 is datasource (online excel file) for form. After PowerBIIntegration.Data,its not populating any column in function.


Not sure what I am misisng here. Error says Chnage number not valid/not found




Can somebody please help here. Really appreciate your input.

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@ashish_18 , I also faced the same issue when building a power app form directly from desktop. The issue got sorted once I created a power app form directly by editing the report on service like below, it will also redirect you to the power apps editor to build your form.

Note: You have to build the form from scratch in service ! Inorder to populate the data and get PowerBIIntegration.Refresh() option.




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HI @Jai-Rathinavel ,

 Thansk for this insight. I have followed fromm service and its populating now.However I m facing another error in powerapp now. When I use Lookup Item to pull powerbiIntegration.Data object,I m getting below error in Lookup Item

"Error when trying to retrieve data from the network: Syntax error at position 13 in 'Change Number eq null'. inner exception: Syntax error at position 13 in 'Change Number eq null'. clientRequestId: 29efd17b-e6e3-4279-be1f-68b055192a4c"




script used for Lookup is as below 

LookUp(Manual3,'Change Number'=First(PowerBIIntegration.Data).'Change Number')
Manual3 is a online excel list(table) which one should be selected on powerbi visual so that user can edit record. Change Number is Text field.
Its not allowing to compare Text to Text field in Lookup. There is no error in excel file. 
Really appreciate if u have any insight on this.

@ashish_18 Try


 LookUp(Manual3,Text('Change Number'=First(PowerBIIntegration.Data).'Change Number')

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tried with it,its giving error



@ashish_18 oops ! Try the below formula

LookUp(Manual3,Text('Change Number')=First(PowerBIIntegration.Data).'Change Number')


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with new formula its giving error for data source --red line under Manual3


and giving warning for change number for Text




@ashish_18  Can you share the sample values for your change number ? 

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@ashish_18 can you try adding another column called Change_Number_Only by removing "CHG" from the values and use it as a number column. Now use this new column in the lookup and check. Make sure you add this column to your power apps visual too.




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Hi @Jai-Rathinavel 

 I have created new number column in powerbi dataset for that excel file (Manual3) --Not in actual excel file located in machine.  I have used this number field in powerapp visual and navigated to powerapp Studio. In Lookup table Manual3,Change Number is still Text field and its giving error when I compare it with powerbi object -New Number.. I cant make Change Number field to number in actual excel file (Manual3) which is data connector within powerapp otherwise selection wont work.




Sure @Jai-Rathinavel , I will try it.. It may work as it will be number value. Not sure why Text doesnt work with Lookup script

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Hi @ashish_18,


Can you expand the intellisense, the red marking should also give you an error message. This will help with troulbeshooting.


Did you create the Power App from the Power BI service interface Power BI visual and did you follow the below steps?


Also make sure you are not hitting any of the below limitations of the visual:


Happy to help out 🙂

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Hi @Expiscornovus ,

 Thanks for your detailed response. I have gone through the article information which you provided and I have followed the same. Not sure where is the gap. 

My powerbi report also published to powerbi service within workspace.


I am following below steps--for your reference,

Powerbi desktop--Created list visuals with Number field from excel file.Added powerApp from visualization pane and linkede to "Change Number" field from datasource-Manual3 (this is excel file from my one drive where I want to write all data related to that Change Number field .




Clicked on Create New app--->powerApp studio-->it  opened default tree view  with screen1 without any gallery --as below



Selected Screen1 -->Item-->Edit form-->added source data as Manual3 and pulled fields. Its showing all empty fields as below.




Form1-->Item  from left top corner dropdown-->added formula like

LookUp(Manual3,'Change Number'=First(PowerBIIntegration.Data).Number)
Change Number onject automatically popped up so didnt write Title=
First(PowerBIIntegration.Data) object also pops up but after Data).  Number (unique field/key) doesnt come up. After Data it doenst populate any data.




When hovered on Number,red error shows message as 

Name isn't valid. 'Number' isn't recognized.



When hovered at = sign,it says Text cant be compared. Both the fields are Text in data source (Change Number from Manual3 table and Number from master source file used in list visual in pbin desktop report)


Not sure where I am missing any gap here.



HI @Expiscornovus ,Thanks for your detailed response.


I have gine through article and steps you mentioned and followed the same. Not sure where I am missing anything. I am doing following steps.


Created list visual in powerbi desktop and added powerapp visual from visualization panel and added field as "Number" from datsource list. This report is already published to powerbi webservice within workspace.

After click on create New app --> Go to power App Studio ---> it opens default screen1 without any data as shown in below snapshot left side. Under screen1-->Insert->edit form--form1-->added datasoruce as 'Manual3' table which is excel list presebt in my one drive.

After adding fields,it still shows nothing. Change NUmber is field in Manual3 table which should have data.


Selected form1-Under Item-wrote formula 

LookUp('Manual3','Change Number'=First(PowerBIIntegration.Data).Number)
Manual3 is datasource table where I need to write data associated to record. 'Change Number' automatically came while selecting 'Title=' hence used Change Number' 
First object also works and (PowerBIIntegration.Data)also populate  but after data. it should populate unique keyword/field Number but it doenst show anything. Its giving error Name isn't valid. 'Number' isn't recognized.

Not sure what I am missing here. 



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