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Hello, I have a formatted measure (so a text) which I want to sort by numerical value. My issue is that I have both negative and positive value, so even if I try to use 'UNICHAR' method adding "0" and then sort them, this doesn't work because of negative values. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.  

Super User
Super User


Instead of using the FORMAT function which returns text, have you tried dynamic format strings? 

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New Member

NumericalSort =
VAR NumericValue =
LEFT([FormattedMeasure], 1) = "-",
-1 * VALUE(SUBSTITUTE([FormattedMeasure], "-", "")),
UNICHAR(8203) & TEXT(NumericValue, "0")

UNICHAR (8203) & TEXT(NumericValue, "0") - This section adds a zero-width space using UNICHAR(8203) to ensure proper sorting. The numerical value is then converted back to text using the Text function with a specified format of "0".

Super User
Super User

show me what you write, what doesn’t work for you, at least share screenshots

sorting test.png

Here, from left to right: what I want to sort, measure I use, measure I'm trying to apply

Insert this measure before positive numbers
and where are the negatives after them.
for example:
X is how many times to repeat

Thanks but doesn't work because sorting depends from the total length of the string, no matter where 'unichar' is

Can you share a file and example that would be similar to your senario?


Super User
Super User


Instead of using the FORMAT function which returns text, have you tried dynamic format strings? 

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Proud to be a Super User!

"Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand."
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Learn with me on YouTube @DAXJutsu or follow my page on Facebook @DAXJutsuPBI.

Hello ,thanks but I don't understand: does dynamic format string allows to treat measure as number and not as text?

Hi @letizia ,

with dynamic format string you are basically applying a format to a number but not changing its data type so it will still be treated as a number that just appears in either in percentage, currency, etc.

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Proud to be a Super User!

"Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand."
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Learn with me on YouTube @DAXJutsu or follow my page on Facebook @DAXJutsuPBI.

Hello, how can I manage blank rows using dynamic format strings? Here is like blank rows are considered as zero in sorting, and I don't want that. I want blank rows at the end (or at the beginning) sorting test.png

Hello, thank you, it works.

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