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The Power BI DataViz World Championships are on! With four chances to enter, you could win a spot in the LIVE Grand Finale in Las Vegas. Show off your skills.

Resolver I
Resolver I

Json Theme Error Since new update

Hello forum! Since the feb update the embedded Json theme file is returning the same error for each visual:

#/visualStyles/barChart/*/title/0/background must be object (type; matching schema #/oneOf/0/type)
#/visualStyles/barChart/*/title/0/background must be object (type; matching schema #/oneOf/1/type)
#/visualStyles/barChart/*/title/0/background must be object (type; matching schema #/oneOf/2/type)
#/visualStyles/barChart/*/title/0/background must match exactly one schema in oneOf (oneOf; matching schema #/oneOf)

Can anyone help me correct the code??



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Resolver I
Resolver I

Oh my word this is awesome - thanks works a treat..

View solution in original post

Resolver I
Resolver I

Oh my word this is awesome - thanks works a treat..

Resolver I
Resolver I

Thanks @Rudz - The point I am trying to get to is having all visual backgrounds transparent as I want the page background to be visible. Can you give me an example code to achieve this for say one visual?

So the offending code was underneath the "title" property. This defines the background color for just the title. It's the equivalent of this setting:


It doesn't support transparency or show on/off.


What you are talking about is the background of the visual. Instead of under "title", it will be right after the visual type, eg. "textbox", "scatterChart", "lineChart", etc. The theme already has a bunch of "background" properties there with "show": false, but you could add the color and transparency codes there too if you wanted.



Here's the theme file without errors.


Kudo Collector
Kudo Collector

The background color is set just like the fontColor:
"background": { "solid": { "color": "#DDDDDD" } },
You have other color errors besides background that need this same correction.

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