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Advocate II
Advocate II

Decimal Point.

Hello everyone,


Power BI gives me all numbers as:




















I would expect 2,265.60.


I have the english version and my location is set to US.


Thanks for helping.




Super User
Super User

How are you getting that number in the middle of the Donut chart? Is that a separate visual, custom visual or what format settings did you flip on to do that?

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DAX is easy, CALCULATE makes DAX hard...

@Greg_Deckler to get a customized donut chart with a "card inside" you can also download the following one: Donut Chart



Oh, that is just a card in the middle of a donut chart 😄


No special Power BI effects 🙂


Do you know something regarding the decimal point issue?

That's what I figured. Hmm. I cannot replicate this. I created a number, 2265.60 using an Enter Data query, put it in a card visualization and set the Data label Display units to "None" and it showed up as 2,265.60. Definitely looks like a language setting kind of thing but not sure what would be causing that other than actually having a different language setting than US.

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DAX is easy, CALCULATE makes DAX hard...

I don't know how to fix that ..

has to be a language or region setting somewhere I believe.  is the euro mode....  not sure where - from the visual down to the actual table data....the install of Power BI, or even the Operating System (this would of course affect all your apps....)


I would be interested to know

..............and must confess - for some reason one install of Office among 5 PCs of mine gives tool tips in French and I've never fixed that so.......

Do you have the most recent version? It looks like others have had similar issues (here and here for example), but there was a fix a few versions back.

Not sure whats behind it, as a quick fix, try wrapping a format around the measure =FORMAT(Measure,"#,###.00")

// if this is a solution please mark as such. Kudos always appreciated.

Since this applies to entire pages a formating function is not enough.


Maybe is really my system. The iOS application acts the same way.


Hmm .. Power BI Team .. please ..



Check the format setting in the control panel in your local PC. It would affect how numbers present locally.


In my case, setting format as "Italian(Italy)" uses a comma as the decimal point. Switch the format to English(United States) and reopen the pbix  should work. Anyway, it is not a problem after publishing.






I changed the Windows settings, but it does not effect Power BI.




I believe when one options the visual's value to do math....that there is no ability to control the precision display.  It is a feature that should be added as typically selecting the option to Average can result in long decimal displays that users just are always going to ask about ......

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