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Building a Fee payment table

Hi guys, 

New here, as struggling to find what I need anywhere online.  I'mlooking for some help in building a payment schedule for up to at least 12 months in advance, so I can predict dynamiclly and accurately what fees are coming in, in certain months, periods etc.

I have 3 fact fields, the payment frequency (monthly, Quarterly, Annual), the most recent paid date, and the amount.  I want for example the month names & year in columns and the values to populate the amount in the rows of the products.  I need a code to autopopulate based off the payment frequencys and the most recent payment date. 

The min date for the columns will be min date of the last issue date.  The max will vice versa.

Hope the community can help 🙂

Something to look similar to this: 

FrequencyAmountLast Payment DateJan-25Feb-25Mar-25Apr-25May-25
Monthly7505/02/2025 757575 
Quarterly10001/01/2025100  100 
Quarterly15001/02/2025 150  150
Quarterly25020/01/2025250  250 

Here is the code adjusted to display by week. (I have weeks starting on Monday.)

    endYear = 2026,
    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("i45W8s3PK8nIqVTSUTI1ABKG+ob6RgZGpkqxOshy5qZAwkjfFCEXWJpYVJJaBJY1NMDQiiINNtkIl7QR1GIjA4S8Y15eaWIOUNgEzehYAA==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Frequency = _t, Amount = _t, #"Last Payment Date" = _t]),
    set_types = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Frequency", type text}, {"Amount", Int64.Type}, {"Last Payment Date", type date}}),
    add_freq_months = Table.AddColumn(set_types, "Frequency Months", each if [Frequency] = "Monthly" then 1 else if [Frequency] = "Quarterly" then 3 else if [Frequency] = "Annual" then 12 else 0, Int64.Type),
    generate_paid_months = Table.AddColumn(add_freq_months, "Dates", each let freq = [Frequency Months], startDate = Date.StartOfMonth([Last Payment Date]), amount = [Amount] in List.Generate(()=> startDate, each _ <= #date(endYear,12,1), each Date.AddMonths(_, freq), each "Week " & Number.ToText(Date.WeekOfYear(_, Day.Monday))&"|"&Number.ToText(amount))),
    convert_list_to_table = Table.TransformColumns(generate_paid_months, {{"Dates", each Table.FromList(_, Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter("|"), {"Date", "Amount"})}}),
    transpose_nested_tables = Table.TransformColumns(convert_list_to_table, {{"Dates", each Table.PromoteHeaders(Table.Transpose(_))}}),
    minPaymentWeek = Date.WeekOfYear(Date.StartOfMonth(List.Min(transpose_nested_tables[Last Payment Date])), Day.Monday),
    generatedDatesList = List.Generate(()=> minPaymentWeek, each _ <= Date.WeekOfYear(#date(endYear,12,1), Day.Monday), each _ + 1, each "Week " & Number.ToText(_)),
    expand_nested_tables = Table.ExpandTableColumn(transpose_nested_tables, "Dates", generatedDatesList),
    remove_freq_months = Table.RemoveColumns(expand_nested_tables,{"Frequency Months"})

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Super User
Super User

Hi @JoeHeraty, I've created another query for you:


you can select DateType and WeekType



Output if you select Date = 1 (only weeks with payments)



Output if you select Date = 0 (full year)


    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("i45W8s3PK8nIqVTSUTI1ABIGhvpAZGRgZKoUq4Msa24KkjXVNzBCyAaWJhaVpBaB5Q0NsGhHUQA3H4cJRmAFRgYoJjjm5ZUm5gDFTTDMjwUA", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Frequency = _t, Amount = _t, #"Last Payment Date" = _t]),
    ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Amount", Currency.Type}, {"Last Payment Date", type date}}, "sk-SK"),
    __Select__ = [ 
        DateType = 0,   // 0 = Full year,   1 = Use only weeks with payments
        WeekType = 0    // 1 = Ordinary,    1 = ISO
    D = [ firstDate = if (__Select__[DateType] ?? 0) = 0 then Date.StartOfYear(List.Min(ChangedType[Last Payment Date])) else List.Min(ChangedType[Last Payment Date]),
    lastDate = Date.EndOfYear(firstDate),
    weeks = Record.Combine(List.Generate(()=> firstDate, each _ <= lastDate, each Date.AddDays(_, 7), each Record.AddField([], Date.ToText(firstDate, "yyyy") & "-W" & Text.PadStart(Text.From(Date.WeekOfYear(_)), 2, "0"), null))) ],
    Fn_Week = (Data as date) =>
                Weekday = Date.DayOfWeek(Data) + 1,
                Part1 = Number.From(Data) - Weekday + 11,
                Part2 = Number.From(#date(Date.Year(Date.From(Number.From(Data) + 4 - Weekday)),1,1)),
                Part3 = (Part1 - Part2) / 7,
                Tranc = Part3 - Number.Mod(Part3, 1),
                Output = Date.ToText(D[firstDate], "yyyy") & "-W" &
                                ( if __Select__[WeekType] = 1
                                  then Text.PadStart(Text.From(Tranc), 2, "0")
                                  else Text.PadStart(Text.From(Date.WeekOfYear(Data)), 2, "0")
    StepBack = ChangedType,
    Ad_Weeks = Table.AddColumn(StepBack, "Weeks", each 
        [ a = if [Frequency] = "Annual" then {Record.AddField([], Fn_Week([Last Payment Date]), [Amount])} else List.Generate(
                    ()=> D[firstDate],
                    (x)=> x <= D[lastDate],
                    (x)=> if [Frequency] = "Weekly" then Date.AddDays(x, 7) else
                            if [Frequency] = "Monthly" then Date.AddMonths(x, 1)
                            else Date.AddQuarters(x, 1),
                    (x)=> Record.AddField([], Fn_Week(x), [Amount])),
          b = _ & Record.Combine(a)
    , type table),
    UsedSelectedDate = [ fn = each Table.Skip(Table.Combine(List.Transform(_[Weeks], (x)=> Table.FromRecords({x})))),
    a = Table.InsertRows(Ad_Weeks, 0, { Ad_Weeks{0} & [Weeks = Record.Combine(List.Transform(List.RemoveMatchingItems(Table.ColumnNames(Ad_Weeks), {"Weeks"}), (x)=> Record.AddField([], x, null))) & D[weeks]] }),
    b = if __Select__[DateType] = 1 then fn(Ad_Weeks) else fn(a)
    ChangedType2 = Value.ReplaceType(
        Value.Type(Table.FirstN(ChangedType, 0) &
          [ a = List.Difference(Table.ColumnNames(UsedSelectedDate), Table.ColumnNames(ChangedType)),
            b = Table.PromoteHeaders(Table.FromRows({a})),
            c = Table.TransformColumnTypes(b, List.Transform(a, (x)=> {x, Currency.Type}))
          ][c] ))


Note: Check this link to learn how to use my query.
Check this link if you don't know how to provide sample data.

Hi dufoq, thank you very much! This is awesome!

You're welcome @JoeHeraty. Enjoy 😉

Note: Check this link to learn how to use my query.
Check this link if you don't know how to provide sample data.

Community Support
Community Support

Hi @JoeHeraty,
Thanks for reaching out to the Microsoft fabric community forum.

It looks like the issue you were having has been solved by @jgeddes. Please accept it as solution if you are satisfied with the solution.


If I misunderstand your needs or you still have problems on it, please feel free to let us know.
Best Regards,
Community Support Team

If this post helps then please mark it as a solution, so that other members find it more quickly.
Thank you.

Super User
Super User

    // fact_table is your original table
    fx_schedule = (row) => ((sequence) => Record.FromList(List.Repeat({row[Amount]}, List.Count(sequence)), sequence))
            () => row[Last Payment Date], 
            (x) => x <= last_month, 
            (x) => Function.Invoke(Record.Field(freq, row[Frequency]), {x, 1}),
            (x) => Date.ToText(x, "MMM-yy")
    freq = [Monthly = Date.AddMonths, Quarterly = Date.AddQuarters, Annual = Date.AddYears],
    last_month = Date.AddMonths(Date.EndOfMonth(Date.From(DateTime.FixedLocalNow())), 12), 
    headers = List.Generate(
        () => List.Min(fact_table[Last Payment Date]), 
        (x) => x <= last_month, 
        (x) => Date.AddMonths(x, 1),
        (x) => Date.ToText(x, "MMM-yy")
    schedule = Table.AddColumn(fact_table, "expand_me", fx_schedule), 
    xpand = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(schedule, "expand_me", headers)
Super User
Super User

Here is an example code that shows one way to do this.
You can change the endYear value to lengthen or shorthen the forecast period.

    endYear = 2026,
    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("i45W8s3PK8nIqVTSUTI1ABKG+ob6RgZGpkqxOshy5qZAwkjfFCEXWJpYVJJaBJY1NMDQiiINNtkIl7QR1GIjA4S8Y15eaWIOUNgEzehYAA==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Frequency = _t, Amount = _t, #"Last Payment Date" = _t]),
    set_types = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Frequency", type text}, {"Amount", Int64.Type}, {"Last Payment Date", type date}}),
    add_freq_months = Table.AddColumn(set_types, "Frequency Months", each if [Frequency] = "Monthly" then 1 else if [Frequency] = "Quarterly" then 3 else if [Frequency] = "Annual" then 12 else 0, Int64.Type),
    generate_paid_months = Table.AddColumn(add_freq_months, "Dates", each let freq = [Frequency Months], startDate = Date.StartOfMonth([Last Payment Date]), amount = [Amount] in List.Generate(()=> startDate, each _ <= #date(endYear,12,1), each Date.AddMonths(_, freq), each Date.ToText(_)&"|"&Number.ToText(amount))),
    convert_list_to_table = Table.TransformColumns(generate_paid_months, {{"Dates", each Table.FromList(_, Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter("|"), {"Date", "Amount"})}}),
    transpose_nested_tables = Table.TransformColumns(convert_list_to_table, {{"Dates", each Table.PromoteHeaders(Table.Transpose(_))}}),
    minPaymentMonth = Date.StartOfMonth(List.Min(transpose_nested_tables[Last Payment Date])),
    minFrequencyMonths = List.Min(transpose_nested_tables[Frequency Months]),
    generatedDatesList = List.Generate(()=> minPaymentMonth, each _ <= #date(endYear,12,1), each Date.AddMonths(_, 1), each Date.ToText(_)),
    expand_nested_tables = Table.ExpandTableColumn(transpose_nested_tables, "Dates", generatedDatesList),
    remove_freq_months = Table.RemoveColumns(expand_nested_tables,{"Frequency Months"})

Using your example data...


You end up with...


Hope this gets you pointed in the right direction.

Did I answer your question? Mark my post as a solution!

Proud to be a Super User!

Thank you very much! This is exactly what I needed!  Where in the code could I alter to get column headers as Week Number and values to fill in the week periods, or would this need complete new code?

Here is the code adjusted to display by week. (I have weeks starting on Monday.)

    endYear = 2026,
    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("i45W8s3PK8nIqVTSUTI1ABKG+ob6RgZGpkqxOshy5qZAwkjfFCEXWJpYVJJaBJY1NMDQiiINNtkIl7QR1GIjA4S8Y15eaWIOUNgEzehYAA==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Frequency = _t, Amount = _t, #"Last Payment Date" = _t]),
    set_types = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Frequency", type text}, {"Amount", Int64.Type}, {"Last Payment Date", type date}}),
    add_freq_months = Table.AddColumn(set_types, "Frequency Months", each if [Frequency] = "Monthly" then 1 else if [Frequency] = "Quarterly" then 3 else if [Frequency] = "Annual" then 12 else 0, Int64.Type),
    generate_paid_months = Table.AddColumn(add_freq_months, "Dates", each let freq = [Frequency Months], startDate = Date.StartOfMonth([Last Payment Date]), amount = [Amount] in List.Generate(()=> startDate, each _ <= #date(endYear,12,1), each Date.AddMonths(_, freq), each "Week " & Number.ToText(Date.WeekOfYear(_, Day.Monday))&"|"&Number.ToText(amount))),
    convert_list_to_table = Table.TransformColumns(generate_paid_months, {{"Dates", each Table.FromList(_, Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter("|"), {"Date", "Amount"})}}),
    transpose_nested_tables = Table.TransformColumns(convert_list_to_table, {{"Dates", each Table.PromoteHeaders(Table.Transpose(_))}}),
    minPaymentWeek = Date.WeekOfYear(Date.StartOfMonth(List.Min(transpose_nested_tables[Last Payment Date])), Day.Monday),
    generatedDatesList = List.Generate(()=> minPaymentWeek, each _ <= Date.WeekOfYear(#date(endYear,12,1), Day.Monday), each _ + 1, each "Week " & Number.ToText(_)),
    expand_nested_tables = Table.ExpandTableColumn(transpose_nested_tables, "Dates", generatedDatesList),
    remove_freq_months = Table.RemoveColumns(expand_nested_tables,{"Frequency Months"})

Did I answer your question? Mark my post as a solution!

Proud to be a Super User!

Jgeddes, this is brilliant thank you very much!

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