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Advocate I
Advocate I

Streaming Dataset DateTime Field Date Hierarchy Missing

I have a streaming dataset with a DateTime field.  The streaming dataset is keeping historical data.  When I create a report to put on a dashboard using the DateTime field, I do not have any date hierarchy capabilities.  I am therefore not able to see my data by day/month, only by time.  


Whilst it's great to see the data realtime, some departments only want to see that data summarised over day/week/month not by minute.  I'm truly hoping that I'm doing something wrong rather than a fundamental piece of functionality being missing.


Any thoughts greatly received.

Many thanks,


Not applicable

@dparkinson Were you ever able to resolve this issue?  I'm still seeing the exact same behavior your are and am curious if you ever figured out a workaround.



Community Champion
Community Champion

@dparkinson I am guessing that you're using Streaming datasets option in power bi service and building your reports and dashboards there. For date hierarchy to work, column has to be defined as of type DateTime. In power bi service currently you don't get that ability to change column data type and that is why you're not getting that hierarchy I guess. As if you would have used power bi desktop to build reports and published you would have ability to define column data type in desktop and make sure hierarchy works. In short I believe since column type isn't recognised properly of data type Date you're not getting hierarchy.

As @dparkinson , this is NOT the case because you cannot change the datetime type in desktop, it's greyed out; but it is saying it's a datetime

See also my issue

Thanks for the response. I'm not sure that is the case though since when creating the dataset I explicitly defined the data type as DateTime. In addition the time based series for the real time tiles would indicate it is recognising it as such since it would let me use that for the axis if it was only a text field.

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