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"Hello everyone, currently I am able to list all the reports present in all workspaces. I would like to be able to list the reports that use uncertified visuals. Thank you for your help."
"Thank you for your feedback, indeed, this information is important to me. I will propose the idea on"
Sounds good. What have you tried and where are you stuck?
The Playground gives you an idea how to query report artifacts
# Azure AD Application Parameters
$tenantId = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
$clientId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
$clientSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
$authorityUrl = "$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
$scope = ""
$apiUrl = ""
# Get the access token
$authBody = @{
grant_type = "client_credentials"
client_id = $clientId
client_secret = $clientSecret
scope = $scope
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $authorityUrl -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $authBody
$accessToken = $response.access_token
# Check if the token was successfully retrieved
if (-not $accessToken) {
Write-Host "Error while obtaining the access token."
# List of workspace IDs
$workspaceIds = @(
# List to store data
$data = @()
# Call the Power BI API to list reports in each workspace
$headers = @{
Authorization = "Bearer $accessToken"
foreach ($workspaceId in $workspaceIds) {
Write-Host "Processing workspace: $workspaceId"
try {
$reportsUri = "$apiUrl/$workspaceId/reports"
$reportsResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $reportsUri -Headers $headers
$reports = $reportsResponse.value
if ($reports) {
foreach ($report in $reports) {
$reportId = $
$reportName = $
$reportUrl = $report.webUrl
# Check for uncertified visuals
$visualsUri = "$apiUrl/$workspaceId/reports/$reportId/visuals"
$visualsResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $visualsUri -Headers $headers
$visuals = $visualsResponse.value
$hasUncertifiedVisuals = $false
foreach ($visual in $visuals) {
if (-not $visual.isCertified) {
$hasUncertifiedVisuals = $true
if ($hasUncertifiedVisuals) {
$data += [pscustomobject]@{
WorkspaceId = $workspaceId
ReportName = $reportName
ReportId = $reportId
ReportUrl = $reportUrl
HasUncertifiedVisuals = $true
} else {
Write-Host " No reports found in this workspace."
Write-Host "------------------------"
} catch {
Write-Host " Error when calling the Power BI API for workspace $workspaceId: $_"
Write-Host " Full response: $($_.Exception.Response.Content | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)"
# Export the data to a CSV file with UTF-8 encoding
$csvFilePath = "C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxxx.csv"
$data | Export-Csv -Path $csvFilePath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
Write-Host "Reports with uncertified visuals have been exported to the CSV file: $csvFilePath"
If you want to simplify the authentication process you can use Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod instead.
If you have more than 5000 workspaces you'll need to use $top and $skip and combine multiple calls.
$visualsUri = "$apiUrl/$workspaceId/reports/$reportId/visuals"
There is no such call in the current API. If this is important to you please consider voting for an existing idea or raising a new one at
Here is the sandbox approach: