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Advocate I
Advocate I

RANKX Problem

I have been using the following formula with RANKX successfully with various tables, but I'm running into an issues where different values get the same rank with the following report:


G - Rank =
VAR temp = SUM ( RANKX_Problem[G] )
   IF (
       temp = 0;
       BLANK ();
       RANKX (
                    ALLSELECTED ( RANKX_Problem );
                    CALCULATE (
                                         SUM ( RANKX_Problem[G] )



Notice 201706 has value G=62 and gets RANK 1 correctly, but so does 201702 with G=44



Any help appreciated!





Community Support
Community Support

Hi @mturcotte_epq ,


I created a similar file as yours but I don't have these issues. You could get slicer by creating an independent table. Could you share your files?


Community Support Team _ Eads
If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help the other members find it.

Ok I managed to post the file on my One Drive:!ArclD4PLnaKAnxHB4m7EAzuthu6e?e=QWP7ft


Please let me know what I might have overlooked that could explain this unintended behavior for RANKX.


Thanks, MT


Actually, please disregard the link posted in my last message as it appears to be a corrupted version of the report I created to illustrate the problem.


Instead, please use this link below to a ZIP file containing the report:!ArclD4PLnaKAnxKraQDXUakCrlEb?e=7fa5lx


I created a few columns that also exhibit the unintended behavior of RANKX for non-zero values in columns.


Once again, any help appreciated.


Thanks, MT

Solution Sage
Solution Sage

You have 11 different  values, but the measure only returns ranks of 1 to 3. What is your intention ?

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I'm sorry, I thought my intention was obvious...


I would like "G - Rank" to contain the ranks from 1 to 11 based on the values of G.


So G=62 would have G-Rank=1

G=44 would have G-Rank=2

G=37 would have G-Rank=3



Thanks, MT


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