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Resolver II
Resolver II

Power BI Desktop July 2016 bug

I have applied the July 2016 update (PBIDesktop_x64 2.37.4464.361). Now I am no longer able to edit my DAX queries through Query Editor. When I double click on "Source" in the Query Editor, the Query Editor screen just hangs.


Is anyone facing the same issue?

Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee

Hi all, we have released a QFE of the July update that addresses this problem. Please redownload the program and try again. Thanks!

View solution in original post

Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee

Great! Thanks all for reporting this issue. We'll be addressing our IE10 testing strategy to ensure things major like this won't happen in the future.

Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee

Hi all, we have released a QFE of the July update that addresses this problem. Please redownload the program and try again. Thanks!

Edit query working fine from my end after the update. Thanks

Even after update I am getting the error. Please check the error info below.


Error Message:

Failed to save modifications to the server. Error returned: 'The operation has been cancelled because there is not enough memory available for the application. If using a 32-bit version of the product, consider upgrading to the 64-bit version or increasing the amount of memory available on the machine.

Stack Trace:

Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException: Failed to save modifications to the server. Error returned: 'The operation has been cancelled because there is not enough memory available for the application. If using a 32-bit version of the product, consider upgrading to the 64-bit version or increasing the amount of memory available on the machine.





@Ramesh,  the problem seem to be related to your RAM  as PBI Desktop is memory intensive while applying the data compresssion.

I am not getting any error when I open the same file using June update.  If it is issue with my RAM then I should also get error when I open with June verision Right?

Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee

@Ramesh It is possible that some new features added to July update consumes a little bit more RAM - enough that it pushed it over the edge and you now see out of memory exceptions.


Have you tried the 64bit release?

Same here - seems to be working for me after the update. Thank you!

Good to go on my end!  Thanks!

Frequent Visitor

Has anyone found a solution for this?



I hit the Enter Data button and it freezes.


I'm trying to edit a direct query source and it freezes.


I tried repairing, reinstalling, updating .net framework, and nothing works.


I had to roll back to the previous version so I don't have this errors, but now I cannot open the files I've edited with the new version.


Pretty annoying!!

Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee

@ling0028, there is no known workaround for this issue other than upgrading to IE11. The QFE is on its way.

@pqianThank you! I'm unable to upgrade to IE11 as some applications I use are not yet supported. I'll wait for the fix. Thanks!

Helper II
Helper II

Since a few days i have exactly the same problems in power bi desktop . E.g. When I open the desktop and click on "Get data" and choose "Analysis Services" the desktop freezes and i have to cancel the session by task manager.


The same problem exist e.g. when i am at power bi desktop using the query editor and want to change one step at the query settings. The desktop just freezes.


Same.. Couldn't connect to any Databases. I can only connect to Files.

Same.. Couldn't connect to any Databases. I can only connect to Files.

New Member

Is there an ETA on when a fix will be provided?

Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee

Hi all,


We have located the problem - we are hitting a bug in IE 10 that causes the dialog to freeze. This shouldn't affect IE9/11 machines.


We'll rollout a QFE when the fix is ready. Hopefully very soon. I'll update this thread once the QFE is out.

Could you explain how a bug in Internet Explorer affects Power BI Desktop?  

Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee

@akruzel, PBI desktop use IE to render some of its contents. 

Is there an ETA on when the fix will be completed?

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