The new feature for April 2023 release has been a game changer. Finally we are able to add custom strings to our measures and not lose the number format, which means we can use them in bars, lines and column charts.
I've been going through all of my measures to apply my new format string and it's been 95% smooth for all but one scenario.
I know this is a preview feature so not all kinks have been ironed out but wanted to highlight this in the hopes of getting it addressed in a new update.
It seems to only be happening in the "Total labels" even though I have the formatting in that section set to "none" (like it's supposed to be). I'm also using "dimension parameters" as a Legend in this visual (to toggle between location, asset class, and division). I suspect that it's the parameter in conjunction with having a field in the X-Axis that is causing this issue.
My custom measure string:
TRUE (),
SELECTEDMEASURE () < 1000, "$#,##0",
SELECTEDMEASURE () < 1000000, "$#,##0,.0K",
SELECTEDMEASURE() < 1000000000, "$#,##0,,.0M",
If someone found a solution then please let me know, or if the dev team has any ideas on how to get this to work (or fix it in an update) I'd be very grateful.