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How can I filter data from datetime to datetime?


I have the question that you can see in the subject - How can I filter data from datetime to datetime?. I want to filter date from YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM to YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. Is it possible? I have to show car routes history on the map and I need it.


I please you also to send me instruction for other filter ways if descibed above is not possible.


Thank you.

Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee



There is no built-in time slicer currently. @stretcharm's workaround seems to be a good way.

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Best Regards,

Resolver III
Resolver III


May be I didnot get you exactly. Do you want to filter the data based on DATETIME field..?

You can drop the column into a slicer directly or create a column.

Frequent Visitor

I want to make filters using this:



In the Query editor you can goto the filter icon on the column header. Select the Date/Time Filters menu and then custom


You can then add a range.




The M code looks like this


    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Expanded Executables", each [StepEnd] >= #datetime(2017, 10, 17, 19, 45, 0) and [StepEnd] < #datetime(2017, 10, 17, 19, 55, 0))
    #"Filtered Rows"

Against a page/report or visualisation you can use the advanced filtering




I don't know an easy way of doing slicers to filter datetimes.



@stretcharm I want to get time here. Is it possible? I am beginner in Power Bi.. 🙂



@pxg08680 how can I do that?


Even tought you get time field from all date time fields, how can you filter the data..? 



The above datetime has some time values. Does your data contain the same for previous day also. 

There is no way to do a datetime slicer and a range of date time is even worse.


I've played with a few options, but not got any to work particularly well.

There is a custom visualisation that does a time brush filter which would be good but it also doesn't use time.


The best I've got is using What If Parameters, using decimal parameters as a Datetime is stored as a decimal value with whole numbers being days and the decimals for the time.


There is no what if for date time so you have to use decimal




You can then edit the definition from

FromDateTime = GENERATESERIES(1, 20, 0.1)

To somethat that has range related to your data.

FromDateTime = GENERATESERIES(INT(MIN(Data[StartDateTime])), INT(MAX(Data[EndDateTime]))+1, 0.01)

You can also set the default dymanically

ToDateTime Value = SELECTEDVALUE(ToDateTime[ToDateTime], INT(TODAY())-1)

Create a new Computed Column to show the date time version

SelectedToDateTime = [ToDateTime Value]

Change this in modelling to a datetime with your preferred format. You can put this next to the slicer which is still show just a decimal value.

Sliding the slicer will update the value, but you've got to do a bit of trial and error to get the value you need.


Do the same for the ToDateTime


Now in the data set add a new Measure to check if the records are in the range specified by the slicers

IsInRange = if(min(Data[StartDateTime])>=FromDateTime[FromDateTime Value] && Max(Data[EndDateTime])<=ToDateTime[ToDateTime Value],1,0)

Finally add a filter to your visualisations or the page to only include values where IsInRange is 1


Its tricky to get the granualrity right for the time and slicers dont work well with large date ranges.


I've added my Solution to the How to Gallery


Hope this helps






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