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Help filtering in Advanced Editor

Hi all!,


So I'm having a problem, in my BI i'm importing big .csv files and i want to filter some information in the advanced editor in order to reduce the size. But I'm new doing this and something is wrong because no filter is being apply when writting this:


Source = Folder.Files("C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion"),
#"C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion\_produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2006 csv" = Source{[#"Folder Path"="C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion\",Name="produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2006.csv"]}[Content],
#"Imported CSV" = Csv.Document(#"C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion\_produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2006 csv",[Delimiter=",", Columns=38, Encoding=65001, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None]),
#"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(#"Imported CSV", [PromoteAllScalars=true]),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Promoted Headers",{{"idempresa", type text}, {"anio", Int64.Type}, {"mes", Int64.Type}, {"idpozo", Int64.Type}, {"prod_pet", Int64.Type}, {"prod_gas", Int64.Type}, {"prod_agua", Int64.Type}, {"iny_agua", Int64.Type}, {"iny_gas", Int64.Type}, {"iny_co2", Int64.Type}, {"iny_otro", Int64.Type}, {"tef", Int64.Type}, {"vida_util", Int64.Type}, {"tipoextraccion", type text}, {"tipoestado", type text}, {"tipopozo", type text}, {"observaciones", type text}, {"fechaingreso", type datetime}, {"rectificado", type text}, {"habilitado", type text}, {"idusuario", Int64.Type}, {"empresa", type text}, {"sigla", type text}, {"formprod", type text}, {"profundidad", Int64.Type}, {"formacion", type text}, {"idareapermisoconcesion", type text}, {"areapermisoconcesion", type text}, {"idareayacimiento", type text}, {"areayacimiento", type text}, {"cuenca", type text}, {"provincia", type text}, {"tipo_de_recurso", type text}, {"proyecto", type text}, {"clasificacion", type text}, {"subclasificacion", type text}, {"sub_tipo_recurso", type text}, {"fecha_data", type date}}),
#"filter rows" =Table.SelectRows(#"C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion\_produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2006 csv","prod_pet">0,"prod_gas">0)
#"Changed Type"


Any ideas? Any suggestion in order to use the best practice to reduce BI size and optimize it?



Hi @Anonymous ,

I guess because you must mark it as last step in your code :).


#"filter rows" =Table.SelectRows(#"C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion\_produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2006 csv","prod_pet">0,"prod_gas">0)
#"filter rows"









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Hi @Anonymous ,


I got your CSV file. 290MB, over 940,000 records. Given the critera you gave of Pet_Prod > 0 and Pet_Gas > 0 it reduced it to 215,000 records, which took less than 20 seconds here to load in to the data model.


The query I used was this:

    Source = Csv.Document(File.Contents("C:\Users\Ed Hansberry\OneDrive - eHansalytics\Downloads\produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2019.csv"),[Delimiter=",", Columns=38, Encoding=65001, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None]),
    #"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(Source, [PromoteAllScalars=true]),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Promoted Headers",{{"idempresa", type text}, {"anio", Int64.Type}, {"mes", Int64.Type}, {"idpozo", Int64.Type}, {"prod_pet", type number}, {"prod_gas", Int64.Type}, {"prod_agua", type number}, {"iny_agua", type number}, {"iny_gas", Int64.Type}, {"iny_co2", Int64.Type}, {"iny_otro", Int64.Type}, {"tef", type number}, {"vida_util", Int64.Type}, {"tipoextraccion", type text}, {"tipoestado", type text}, {"tipopozo", type text}, {"observaciones", type text}, {"fechaingreso", type datetime}, {"rectificado", type text}, {"habilitado", type text}, {"idusuario", Int64.Type}, {"empresa", type text}, {"sigla", type text}, {"formprod", type text}, {"profundidad", type number}, {"formacion", type text}, {"idareapermisoconcesion", type text}, {"areapermisoconcesion", type text}, {"idareayacimiento", type text}, {"areayacimiento", type text}, {"cuenca", type text}, {"provincia", type text}, {"tipo_de_recurso", type text}, {"proyecto", type text}, {"clasificacion", type text}, {"subclasificacion", type text}, {"sub_tipo_recurso", type text}, {"fecha_data", type date}}),
    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type", each ([prod_pet] > 0) and ([prod_gas] > 0))
    #"Filtered Rows"

I did that 100% in the Power Query UI model. No advanced coding at all. Took just a few seconds. Your Table.SelectRows statement had the wrong syntax and too many arguments. You can see the correct syntax above.


I strongly recommend until you get a really good handle on M code you use the UI. I have a decent handle on M code and I rarely hand-craft a Table.SelectRows() statement from scratch. Even if I need it in a structured column, I'll often create the core statement with the UI then copy and paste the code where I need it. M is case sensitive and even with Intellisense it isn't the easist language to just type out.


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DAX is for Analysis. Power Query is for Data Modeling

Proud to be a Super User!

MCSA: BI Reporting

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Community Support
Community Support

hi  @Anonymous 

The main problem is as @KBO noted, the last statement should generally be

   #"Filtered Rows"

And the last step code should be like this:

Source = Folder.Files("C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion"),
#"C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion\_produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2006 csv" = Source{[#"Folder Path"="C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion\",Name="produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2006.csv"]}[Content],
#"Imported CSV" = Csv.Document(#"C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion\_produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2006 csv",[Delimiter=",", Columns=38, Encoding=65001, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None]),
#"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(#"Imported CSV", [PromoteAllScalars=true]),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Promoted Headers",{{"idempresa", type text}, {"anio", Int64.Type}, {"mes", Int64.Type}, {"idpozo", Int64.Type}, {"prod_pet", Int64.Type}, {"prod_gas", Int64.Type}, {"prod_agua", Int64.Type}, {"iny_agua", Int64.Type}, {"iny_gas", Int64.Type}, {"iny_co2", Int64.Type}, {"iny_otro", Int64.Type}, {"tef", Int64.Type}, {"vida_util", Int64.Type}, {"tipoextraccion", type text}, {"tipoestado", type text}, {"tipopozo", type text}, {"observaciones", type text}, {"fechaingreso", type datetime}, {"rectificado", type text}, {"habilitado", type text}, {"idusuario", Int64.Type}, {"empresa", type text}, {"sigla", type text}, {"formprod", type text}, {"profundidad", Int64.Type}, {"formacion", type text}, {"idareapermisoconcesion", type text}, {"areapermisoconcesion", type text}, {"idareayacimiento", type text}, {"areayacimiento", type text}, {"cuenca", type text}, {"provincia", type text}, {"tipo_de_recurso", type text}, {"proyecto", type text}, {"clasificacion", type text}, {"subclasificacion", type text}, {"sub_tipo_recurso", type text}, {"fecha_data", type date}}),
#"filter rows" =Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type","prod_pet">0,"prod_gas">0)
#"filter rows"




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@Anonymous Your code has a lot of errors.

as @KBO noted, the last statement should generally be

   #"Filtered Rows"

As that is the last statement you've done.


But the #"Filtered Rows" is also pointing to your cource, and a file name to boot. It should be Source, but in reailty it should be #"Changed Type" the step above it.

If you can send me your source file so my query works, I can fix it, but Honestly I'd recommend starting over and just using the GUI to create the steps and not the Advanced Editor. It is a simple 3 step process and using the Advanced Editor can get you in trouble if you don't have a good grasp of M code.

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DAX is for Analysis. Power Query is for Data Modeling

Proud to be a Super User!

MCSA: BI Reporting
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Thanks every one for your answers,

@edhans if I work with steps the problem of having a really big Power Bi will persist and it won't be functional.

This is one of the files I'm using LINK .


There is any good guide to strart getting familiar with M??




@Anonymous your linked file was empty - zero bytes


Not sure what you are saying about not being able to use Power Query's UI due to the file size. I do it all of the time. Hundreds of MB CSV files. 

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DAX is for Analysis. Power Query is for Data Modeling

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MCSA: BI Reporting
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I don't know what happend with the link, here it goes again this is one LINK

In the file you gonna find the information for all the 2019 and I I have one of this files since 2006, as soon as I upload all of them de BI size is already 80mb.

Hi @Anonymous ,


I got your CSV file. 290MB, over 940,000 records. Given the critera you gave of Pet_Prod > 0 and Pet_Gas > 0 it reduced it to 215,000 records, which took less than 20 seconds here to load in to the data model.


The query I used was this:

    Source = Csv.Document(File.Contents("C:\Users\Ed Hansberry\OneDrive - eHansalytics\Downloads\produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2019.csv"),[Delimiter=",", Columns=38, Encoding=65001, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None]),
    #"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(Source, [PromoteAllScalars=true]),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Promoted Headers",{{"idempresa", type text}, {"anio", Int64.Type}, {"mes", Int64.Type}, {"idpozo", Int64.Type}, {"prod_pet", type number}, {"prod_gas", Int64.Type}, {"prod_agua", type number}, {"iny_agua", type number}, {"iny_gas", Int64.Type}, {"iny_co2", Int64.Type}, {"iny_otro", Int64.Type}, {"tef", type number}, {"vida_util", Int64.Type}, {"tipoextraccion", type text}, {"tipoestado", type text}, {"tipopozo", type text}, {"observaciones", type text}, {"fechaingreso", type datetime}, {"rectificado", type text}, {"habilitado", type text}, {"idusuario", Int64.Type}, {"empresa", type text}, {"sigla", type text}, {"formprod", type text}, {"profundidad", type number}, {"formacion", type text}, {"idareapermisoconcesion", type text}, {"areapermisoconcesion", type text}, {"idareayacimiento", type text}, {"areayacimiento", type text}, {"cuenca", type text}, {"provincia", type text}, {"tipo_de_recurso", type text}, {"proyecto", type text}, {"clasificacion", type text}, {"subclasificacion", type text}, {"sub_tipo_recurso", type text}, {"fecha_data", type date}}),
    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type", each ([prod_pet] > 0) and ([prod_gas] > 0))
    #"Filtered Rows"

I did that 100% in the Power Query UI model. No advanced coding at all. Took just a few seconds. Your Table.SelectRows statement had the wrong syntax and too many arguments. You can see the correct syntax above.


I strongly recommend until you get a really good handle on M code you use the UI. I have a decent handle on M code and I rarely hand-craft a Table.SelectRows() statement from scratch. Even if I need it in a structured column, I'll often create the core statement with the UI then copy and paste the code where I need it. M is case sensitive and even with Intellisense it isn't the easist language to just type out.


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DAX is for Analysis. Power Query is for Data Modeling

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MCSA: BI Reporting
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Yep, @KBO 's got it. I've made that same mistake a few times!!

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Hi @Anonymous ,

I guess because you must mark it as last step in your code :).


#"filter rows" =Table.SelectRows(#"C:\Users\60047182\Desktop\MARK\Producción\Archivos de produccion\_produccin-de-pozos-de-gas-y-petrleo-2006 csv","prod_pet">0,"prod_gas">0)
#"filter rows"









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