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Helper III
Helper III

DAX function

I have append table of 2022 and 2023 years from week 25 to week 31 and had column of Tour request number a as appended table ,but I want to show only week 31 data of 2023 and same period in last year of 2022 by sales offices and Y axis should contain no of tour request number in clustered column chart in power bi. what should I do to prepare clustered column chart.


Which DAX function Should I use to do this. The below chart is from EXCEl..I want do same in power bi desktop



Plese Hep me

Helper II
Helper II


Make sure you have separate date/week table with Year, Week , YearWeek (YYYYWW) 



Have column like this in Date/week Table 

Week Rank = RANKX('Date','Date'[Year Week],,ASC,Dense)  //YYYYWW format



These measures can help
This Week = CALCULATE(sum('Table'[Qty]), FILTER(ALL('Date'),'Date'[Week Rank]=max('Date'[Week Rank])))
Last Week = CALCULATE(sum('Table'[Qty]), FILTER(ALL('Date'),'Date'[Week Rank]=max('Date'[Week Rank])-1))


Last Year  Same Week = CALCULATE(sum('Table'[Qty]), FILTER(ALL('Date'),'Date'[Year]=max('Date'[Year])-1 && 'Date'[Week]  = Max('Date'[Week])))



With date table you can also use


week Year behind Sales = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]),dateadd('Date'[Date],-364,DAY))  


Power BI — Week on Week and WTD
  Time Intelligence, Part of learn Power BI


Power BI — WTD Questions— Time Intelligence 4–5

In this blog, we will try to answer, 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Week Till Date(WTD) in Power BI.

Helper III
Helper III

No its not working ,

I have append table of 2022 and 2023 years week wise ,but I want to show only week 31 data of 2023 and same period in last year of 2022 by sales offices should be on X axis and Y axis should contain no of tour request number and Legend field should contain year column in clustered column chart in power bi without filtering data. what should I do to prepare clustered column chart. which  DAX function shoud I use


Make sure you have separate date/week table with Year, Week , YearWeek (YYYYWW) 


Have column like this in Date/week Table 

Week Rank = RANKX('Date','Date'[Year Week],,ASC,Dense)  //YYYYWW format


These measures can help
This Week = CALCULATE(sum('Table'[Qty]), FILTER(ALL('Date'),'Date'[Week Rank]=max('Date'[Week Rank])))
Last Week = CALCULATE(sum('Table'[Qty]), FILTER(ALL('Date'),'Date'[Week Rank]=max('Date'[Week Rank])-1))


Last Year  Same Week = CALCULATE(sum('Table'[Qty]), FILTER(ALL('Date'),'Date'[Year]=max('Date'[Year])-1 && 'Date'[Week]  = Max('Date'[Week])))



With date table you can also use


week Year behind Sales = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]),dateadd('Date'[Date],-364,DAY))  


Power BI — Week on Week and WTD
  Time Intelligence, Part of learn Power BI



Helper II
Helper II

@DanduMani104 Please try this measure. 

SameperiodLast Year = CALCULATE(Sum[Sales], DATEADD('Date', -1, YEAR)

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