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Control chart for binary (yes/no) variable

Good morning, 

I work in Quality Improvement and control charts are something we use everyday. Creating a control chart for continuous data is quite simple but I am having tremendous difficulty in creating a control chart for a binary variable (e.g. a process: pass or fail). I need to track pass rate overtime (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) with Upper and Lower Control Limits. 

Any feedback or insight in this matter would be highly appreciated. 



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Thank you for replying and I apologize for not providing enough detail. @Anonymous @Greg_Deckler @amitchandak @DataZoe 


Control charts have 4 componenets, the count of the measure (average), the central line (the average of the data for a prior time period- serves as a baseline) , and upper and lower control limits (+/- 3 sigma line). 

My data does look like this:


SampleID | Date            | Outcome

1              | 2020-01-01 | 1

2              | 2020-01-01 | 0

3              | 2020-01-01 | 1


What I am strugling with is creating the upper and lower control limits (the red lines in the graph below). It would be a breeze if the data was continuous but I don't know if there is an alternative given my binary variable. 


Control chart.PNG

@rubio3003 - Shouldn't those be:

Upper Limit = AVERAGE([Outcome]) + 3 * STDDEV('Table'[Output])

Lower Limit = AVERAGE([Outcome]) - 3 * STDDEV('Table'[Output])

Or am I missing something? 

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DAX is easy, CALCULATE makes DAX hard...

@Greg_Deckler  You can only calculate STDEV of continuous variables, mine is a binary variable 😞  

Not applicable

This should not be that hard 🙂 


You have to have some data first. Let's say this is what you have, more or less:


SampleID | Date            | Outcome

1              | 2020-01-01 | 1

2              | 2020-01-01 | 0

3              | 2020-01-01 | 1



You get the idea. Now, the above is your fact table where you record all the outcomes at the lowest granularity. You also have to have a Date table that will join to Samples[Date]. Date is your date/time dimension. In this table you'll define all the pieces of time you want: months, years, weeks... you name it.


Now, here's a measure that will give you the % of passes/successes:


[Success Rate] = divide( sum( Samples[Outcome] ), countrows( Samples ) )

[Failure Rate] = 1 - [Success Rate]


And that's basically it. The column Outcome should store 0 for fail, 1 for success.

Super User
Super User

@rubio3003 - Are you referring to this:


I would use 1 and 0 to represent your binary states. Other than that, Not really enough information to go on, please first check if your issue is a common issue listed here:

Also, please see this post regarding How to Get Your Question Answered Quickly:

The most important parts are:
1. Sample data as text, use the table tool in the editing bar
2. Expected output from sample data
3. Explanation in words of how to get from 1. to 2.

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DAX is easy, CALCULATE makes DAX hard...
Super User
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@rubio3003 ,

pass% = divide(calculate(countrows(Table) ,[process]="pass") ,countrows(Table) )

fail%= divide(calculate(countrows(Table) ,[process]="fail") ,countrows(Table) )


Create a date table for analysis

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To get the best of the time intelligence function. Make sure you have a date calendar and it has been marked as the date in model view. Also, join it with the date column of your fact/s. Refer :

See if my webinar on Time Intelligence can help:

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@rubio3003 I am not very familiar with control charts but I did a quick search and I think I have the idea. If this isn't it, would it be possible to share a small table of what you the data looks like and even a drawing of what the chart is you are trying to create?  Thanks!


I do think for scatter plots in power bi you need measures, which may be the issue here?


For your pass/fail, this can converted to a percentage with:


Things = countrows('Table')

Pass Percentage = divide(caclulate([Things]),'Table'[Pass/Fail]="Pass"),[Things])


now to aggregate by different ranges, you could do something like:


Pass Percentage Avg Per Week = averagex(values('Date'[WeekOf]),[Pass Percentage]))


you can do that by median, min, max, etc.





Zoe Douglas (DataZoe)

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