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Frequent Visitor

Status Code 500

I am encountering a status code 500 message when I try to modify an existing dataflow. This happens for several dataflows. I can no longer save changes made to a dataflow. This is happening in dev, test, and prod. I first noticed it today. I was able to make changes to dataflows just a few days ago. These dataflows use Azure data, OneDrive Excel data, and Sharepoin Excel data. I need a solution soon. I have included the message below.

Activity ID: e6692389-130a-4c9e-b3d5-5871a71f7810
Request ID: 858e750c-d5a1-cecf-32c4-258bb85e425e
Correlation ID: 5307d1b1-620c-ea5a-0fcc-4bae3b5a9a40
Status code: 500
Time: Wed Jul 14 2021 16:45:14 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Service version: 13.0.16442.41
Client version: 2107.2.06866-train
Cluster URI: 

Frequent Visitor

No solution has been provided, but the issue went away on its own. Not really a solution. Maybe the man behind the curtain is resolving it without letting anyone know.

View solution in original post

New Member

disable the parameter query from loading. 

That's what worked for me

Resolver I
Resolver I

Hm, it's 2023 and I am getting the same error message?!?!


Why can't we get error messages which let us know what is actually wrong?

Frequent Visitor

I am having the same error with several dataflows. They all refresh normally, but as soon as I try to make a change and save, it pops up the internal error.

Activity ID: f2a10cd8-899e-44af-8d3d-f7fa139c20dc
Request ID: ee95b20e-ddd3-d141-75d9-4f1d8f3648cf
Correlation ID: e06f90e3-0cdf-d95c-5a17-b47bf9c0a9f1
Status code: 500
Time: Tue Jun 21 2022 11:42:45 GMT+0800 (Australian Western Standard Time)
Service version: 13.0.18442.44
Client version: 2206.1.11664-train
Cluster URI:

Resolver III
Resolver III

This is still happening.My scenario is when I edit a query that has been set for incrimental refresh.  I edit it to pass the range params to a function that folds them into the sql for an odbc query.


    //Source = ODBC_BLP800CFBL(SalesOrdersSQL,pFrom, pTo)
    Source = ODBC_BLP800CFBL(SalesOrdersSQL,RangeStart, RangeEnd),
    #"Changed column type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, {{"DATE", type datetime}}),
    #"SalesOrders-44415445-autogenerated_for_incremental_refresh" = Table.SelectRows(#"Changed column type", each DateTime.From([DATE]) >= RangeStart and DateTime.From([DATE]) < RangeEnd)


Not applicable

I am also facing this same error since yesterday. It will be helpful if there is a solution other then setting up the dataflow in a new Workspace. I have got a number of queries and datasets and reports connected to the dataflow so it is not as simple as just recreating everything to a new Workspace.


Here is the error details:

Activity ID: 2d79afab-c064-4ed1-9deb-2e69cc225da4
Request ID: 9a98843f-5c87-06f0-ab63-078d3ea993cb
Correlation ID: 13d9ebf2-38d2-5e92-3b36-f0d9f656b124
Status code: 500
Time: Mon Nov 15 2021 19:49:25 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)
Service version: 13.0.17090.56
Client version: 2111.1.08596-train
Cluster URI:

Frequent Visitor

I am getting this same issue, I am unable to save dataflows. (even if i make the tiniest change). this is a good 4 months later, judging from the reply the engineers would have fixed this, is there anything else that can cause this error?


Activity ID: 37bb85ed-30e6-4ca6-8952-1f592525e04f
Request ID: 4be50041-4270-3601-d512-0f6befc4c84e
Correlation ID: 9af1a1df-31de-cddb-3dfa-ba82646a844f
Status code: 500
Time: Mon Oct 04 2021 10:38:41 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time)
Service version: 13.0.16856.75
Client version: 2109.3.07961-train
Cluster URI:

Frequent Visitor

No solution has been provided, but the issue went away on its own. Not really a solution. Maybe the man behind the curtain is resolving it without letting anyone know.

I am having the same problem when trying to modify existing dataflow. 


Activity ID: c09c9d15-5940-4fb2-8425-f90fbebe5ba6
Request ID: ce1ff908-34f2-354b-1e2e-b92bbd75a777
Correlation ID: fca8c4b6-41ba-4f80-56ef-030c93f38028
Status code: 500
Time: Fri Sep 24 2021 09:58:35 GMT+0200 (czas środkowoeuropejski letni)
Service version: 13.0.16813.83
Client version: 2109.2.07785-train

Cluster URI:



Can i somehow report this issue to MS?



Support page had this appended to the message yesterday: "Engineers have identified the root cause and a fix is expected to be deployed by end-of-day 07/19/2021."

The message is now removed altogether so it should be resolved.

Solution Sage
Solution Sage

Check the support page--this is a known issue.

EDIT: Message from the support page: "Power BI customers editing existing dataflows may experience errors with the following message: “Cannot perform this operation due to an internal error.” As a workaround customers can migrate their dataflows to a new workspace. Engineers have identified root cause, and an estimated time to mitigate will be provided shortly."

2024 and I am currently getting this error right now. 

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