Re: Week 4 - Vito Schittone Analysis on Global Greenhouse Gases to Climate Change Final

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Week 4 - Vito Schittone Analysis on Global Greenhouse Gases to Climate Change Final

Hi There,


Welcome to my (one and only) entry for the Power BI Data Viz World Championships.


My goal was to create “innovative advanced functionality” (not just looks good; but missing advanced DAX, Data modelling or visualisations) and blend it with “unrivalled customisation features”; these are my own concepts drawing on my broad knowledge to  create a bespoke product, with features that either doesn’t currently exist online or is a level above what does; my own task.

For too long “atheistically pleasant” has been separated from “useful functionality to get results” but I believe it is possible to have both, not a compromise of the best of both worlds; but the something new through combining this advanced functionality to unlock a new level, with data (no comprises).


I aim to inspire the end user to have idea to be able to ask new questions with regards to what is possible” and in line with my own personality, specialising in “supplying value” via the analytics; if you can use this dashboard to inform decision making (not just understand it descriptively via a story), to create explore and gain insights into the dataset, at the right time, to right place to your current needs rather than for me “tell a story”, with data, my job is done.


If I “tell one story”; there’s no flexibility for user led actions from a different lenses and responsibilities to their perspective using the data which might be as or more valid, so I instead I want “empower” others to create and tell stories; so, they can drive real change. Ultimately, I want to show case “Power BI” as a tool; but challenge to status quo to what “BI” can do and be. I am looking to leverage Power BI functionality rather than just “story tell”, because reality if what I do in Power BI can be 90% replicated in Excel, PDF, Tableau or QlikView format, what’s point in my using Power BI? Foremost, I want champion Power BI foremost, not my “analytics skills”.


The theme is Global Emissions and with again regards to the criteria I have; interpreted in my own way; why? Because it’s Power BI, if you don’t “aim higher” you’ll never know what’s possible.


Insightfulness: I view insightfulness as having to be “dynamic”; I have to give the users of ideas of ways to explore the data, and tell a story at the same time. Static text and images in isolation, I don’t consider as insightful (no point in using Power BI if be equally as effective, >90% as a PDF document), insightful is the ‘ability for users to understand the data and action change as result of the insight as a whole’.


To this extent;  I’ve carefully selected visuals on the data type that compliments and made it as dynamic as possible, so you can understand complicated data at a glance, in a simple way.


Visual Effectiveness: I view visual effectiveness as the ability to “inspire” creativity; much like when artist, sculpture creates a piece of art, we are in awe of the “complexity achieved”, if anyone re-create it easily, then it’s not “effective” as an impression, they say a picture can paint 1000 words.


To the extent, I’ve leveraged advanced functionality and created custom functionality; looking for the best visuals online, taking it a level further, using native and custom Power BI visuals in new ways.


Accessibility: I view accessibility as the ability accessible to a wide range of audiences.

I have tried to adjust forms various forms of vision deficiency (colour blindness), gender.


Summarise: Professionals aren’t separated by tools used (e.g., pianist, sports person, artist) anyone can have ago, it’s skills and mastery that brings the tool to life and inspires others to have a go.

Advocate V
Advocate V

Good analysis!

Community Admin
Community Admin

I'm one of the judges and had to open the report in 2 different browsers to ensure I could see the landing page. This isn't a criticism, just letting viewers know to be patient. Load time is not a part of the judging criteria!

Lol, it's okay; I don't mind if it was just curiosity 🙂 


The landing page is actually a custom GIF that I created; if I had to guess, I wonder if we're hitting different servers to render it (e.g., it's uploaded to a UK one on mine), as it's global (which is something I didn't think about), so it is possible: "Load all of it before it shows it."


Interesting; I could have made the GIF less big; if it had occurred to me to render it in the browser for different countries, it might have affected it.


Just curiosity on my side, different region servers to host and view by Microsoft would explain it; I've seen it with Excel files in the past in a shared area, e.g., a USA person trying to run Power Query vs. a UK one, depending on the server it's located on.

Community Admin
Community Admin

Note to folks viewing submissions in the gallery - the images in this report take 30 seconds to 1 minute to load. It's here, you just need to be patient!

Which image? The landing page is 20 seconds long due to the animations, as I wanted to create the effect, LOL.

It takes 4-5 seconds for me to load.


There was an issue with having the "Animation view trend", which I put in a separate tab to fix before the upload. Just wondering, is it because I'm based in the UK? If you're in the USA (or further), there's a different server hitting it.


In the global finance company I work for, it's a known issue, the server it's on. I just tried it now, all fairly quickly.


Nothing should take a minute via the hosted version, unless you access the desktop file. There shouldn't be any delays, bar 20 seconds at the start (I planned for).

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