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Custom connecto hierarchy fail with on premise data gateway


We have developed our own connector to our API. To help the use navigate through our API hierarchy, we have created nested table views (see screenshot).
The connector and report works fine in powerBI desktop but when we publish it and use our connector with the on premise data gateway we get an error.


The request made in the advanced editor :

Source = Bimsync.Contents(),
#"BOS Sandbox" = Source{[Name="BOS Sandbox"]}[Data],
Model1 = #"BOS Sandbox"{[Name="Model"]}[Data]

The error in the refresh console :

{"error":{"code":"DM_GWPipeline_Gateway_MashupDataAccessError","pbi.error":{"code":"DM_GWPipeline_Gateway_MashupDataAccessError","parameters":{},"details":[{"code":"DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingErrorCode","detail":{"type":1,"value":"-2147467259"}},{"code":"DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingErrorMessage","detail":{"type":1,"value":"The key didn't match any rows in the table."}},{"code":"DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingHResult","detail":{"type":1,"value":"-2147467259"}},{"code":"Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.Key","detail":{"type":1,"value":"[Name = \"Model\"]"}},{"code":"Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.Reason","detail":{"type":1,"value":"Expression.Error"}},{"code":"Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.Table","detail":{"type":1,"value":"#table({\"Name\", \"Data\", \"ItemKind\", \"ItemName\", \"IsLeaf\"}, {})"


The connector code :



[Version = "1.0.0"]
section Bimsync;

project_base = "";
opencde_base = "";
client_id = "XXX";
client_secret = "XXX";
redirect_uri = "";
token_uri = "";
authorize_uri = "";
JSON_TYPE = "application/json";
URL_ENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
TOKENURL = "/viewer3d/token";
MODELURL = "/models";
REVISIONURL = "/revisions";
MEMBERURL = "/members?userType=user";
TEAMSURL = "/members?userType=team";
TOPICURL = "/topics";
DOCUMENTURL = "/documents";
PRODUCTURL = "/ifc/products";
ISSUE_BOARD_STATUSES_URL_SUFFIX = "/extensions/statuses";
ISSUE_BOARD_TYPES_URL_SUFFIX = "/extensions/types";
ISSUE_BOARD_LABEL_URL_SUFFIX = "/extensions/labels";

BOARDURL = "projects?bimsync_project_id=";

REC = "{""query"":{""ifcType"": {""$in"": [""IfcWallStandardCase"",""IfcCovering"",""IfcOpeningElement"",""IfcBuildingElementProxy"",""IfcDoor"",""IfcMember"",""IfcSpace"",""IfcWindow"",""IfcFurnishingElement"",""IfcColumn"",""IfcGrid"",""IfcPlate"",""IfcSlab"",""IfcBuildingStorey"",""IfcCurtainWall"",""IfcStairFlight"",""IfcStair"",""IfcWall""]}}}";
PRODUCTS_FIELDS = {"objectId", "revisionId", "ifcType", "type", "attributes"};
READABLE_PRODUCTS_FIELDS = {"Object Id", "Revision Id", "Ifc type", "Type", "Attributes"};

TOPIC_FIELDS = {"bimsync_issue_board", "guid", "topic_type", "topic_status", "topic_priority", "due_date", "stage", "reference_links", "title", "creation_date", "creation_author", "modified_date", "modified_author", "assigned_to", "description", "bimsync_issue_number", "bimsync_assigned_to", "bimsync_custom_fields"};
READABLE_TOPIC_FIELDS = {"Bimsync issue board", "Issue Id", "Topic type", "Topic status", "Topic priority", "Due date", "Stage", "Reference links", "Title", "Creation date", "Creation author", "Modified date", "Modified author", "Assigned to", "Description", "Bimsync issue number", "Bimsync assigned to", "Custom fields"};

EMPTY_TABLE = #table({}, {});

windowWidth = 1200;
windowHeight = 1000;

DefaultRequestHeaders = [
    #"Content-type" = JSON_TYPE  // column name and values only

Bimsync.Feed = (url as text) =>
        source = Web.Contents(url, [ Headers = DefaultRequestHeaders ]),
        json = Json.Document(source),
        // The response is a JSON record - the data we want is a list of records in the "value" field
        //value = json[value],
        headers =
                uniqueHeaders = List.Union(List.Transform(json, Record.FieldNames))
        asTable = Table.FromRecords(json, headers, MissingField.UseNull)

        //asTable = Table.FromRecords(json),
        //asFilteredTables = Table.SelectColumns(asTable, {"id","name"}) 
        // expand all columns from the record
        //fields = Record.FieldNames(Table.FirstValue(asTable, [Empty = null])),
        //expandAll = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(asTable, "Column1", fields)

DoGET = (url) =>
        serverData = Json.Document(Web.Contents(url,  [
            Headers = [
                #"Content-type" = JSON_TYPE

Table.ToNavigationTable = (
    table as table,
    keyColumns as list,
    nameColumn as text,
    dataColumn as text,
    itemKindColumn as text,
    itemNameColumn as text,
    isLeafColumn as text
) as table =>
        tableType = Value.Type(table),
        newTableType = Type.AddTableKey(tableType, keyColumns, true) meta 
            NavigationTable.NameColumn = nameColumn, 
            NavigationTable.DataColumn = dataColumn,
            NavigationTable.ItemKindColumn = itemKindColumn, 
            Preview.DelayColumn = itemNameColumn, 
            NavigationTable.IsLeafColumn = isLeafColumn
        navigationTable = Value.ReplaceType(table, newTableType)

Bimsync.Models = (url as text, projectId as text) =>
        source = Web.Contents(url, [ Headers = DefaultRequestHeaders ]),
        json = Json.Document(source),
        // The response is a JSON record - the data we want is a list of records in the "value" field
        asTable = Table.FromRecords(json),
        withProject = Table.AddColumn(asTable, "Project Id", each projectId),
        #"Rename columns" = Table.RenameColumns(withProject, {{"id", "Model Id"}, {"name", "Name"}})
        // expand all columns from the record
        //fields = Record.FieldNames(Table.FirstValue(asTable, [Empty = null])),
        //expandAll = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(asTable, "Column1", fields)
        #"Rename columns";

BimsyncProjectNavTable = (url as text, id as text) as table =>
        targetUrl = url & id,
        objects = #table(
            {"Name",                                  "Data",                                           "ItemKind", "ItemName", "IsLeaf"},{
            //{Extension.LoadString("TokenLabel"),      Bimsync.ViewerToken(targetUrl & TOKENURL, id),    "Table",    "Table",    true},
            {Extension.LoadString("ModelLabel"),      Bimsync.Models(targetUrl & MODELURL, id),         "Table",    "Table",    true}
            //{Extension.LoadString("Test"),      Test,         "Table",    "Table",    true}

        // Generate the nav table
        navTable = Table.ToNavigationTable(objects, {"Name"}, "Name", "Data", "ItemKind", "ItemName", "IsLeaf")
        //result = Table.ExpandTableColumn

BimsyncNavTable = () as table =>
        projectUri = project_base & "projects",
        projects = Bimsync.Feed(projectUri&"?pageSize=1000"),
        #"Expand owner column" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(projects, "owner", {"name", "type"}, {"OwnerName", "Type"}),
        #"Name of organization or other" = Table.AddColumn(#"Expand owner column", "Owner", each if [Type] = "organization" then [OwnerName] else "Other"),
        rename = Table.RenameColumns(#"Name of organization or other", {{"name", "Name"}}),
        projectBaseUri = projectUri & "/",
        // Add Data as a calculated column
        withData = Table.AddColumn(rename, "Data", each BimsyncProjectNavTable(projectBaseUri, [id]), Uri.Type),
        // Add ItemKind and ItemName as fixed text values
        withItemKind = Table.AddColumn(withData, "ItemKind", each "Table", type text),
        withItemName = Table.AddColumn(withItemKind, "ItemName", each "Table", type text),
        // Indicate that the node should not be expandable
        withIsLeaf = Table.AddColumn(withItemName, "IsLeaf", each false, type logical),
        // Generate the nav table
        navTable = Table.ToNavigationTable(withIsLeaf, {"Name"}, "Name", "Data", "ItemKind", "ItemName", "IsLeaf")
        navTable ;

Test = () => 
        json = Bimsync.Feed(""),
        schema = GetSchemaForEntity(Extension.LoadString("Test")),
        appliedSchema = Table.ChangeType(json, schema),
        dateFormat = Table.TransformColumnTypes(appliedSchema, {{"createdAt", type text}}, "fr-FR")


Bimsync.ViewerToken = (url as text, projectId as text) =>
        source = Web.Contents(url, [ Headers = DefaultRequestHeaders, Content = Text.ToBinary("") ]),
        json = Json.Document(source),
        output = #table(
            {"Project Id", "Token"},{
            {projectId, json[url]}})
        // The response is a JSON record - the data we want is a list of records in the "value" field

[DataSource.Kind="Bimsync", Publish="Bimsync.Publish"]
shared Bimsync.Contents = () => BimsyncNavTable() as table;

// Data Source Kind description
Bimsync = [
    TestConnection = (dataSourcePath) => {"Bimsync.Contents"},
    Authentication = [
        OAuth = [
            StartLogin = StartLogin,
            FinishLogin = FinishLogin,
            Refresh = Refresh,
            Label = Extension.LoadString("AuthenticationLabel")
    Label = Extension.LoadString("DataSourceLabel")

// Data Source UI publishing description
Bimsync.Publish = [
    Beta = false,
    Category = "Other",
    ButtonText = { Extension.LoadString("ButtonTitle"), Extension.LoadString("ButtonHelp") },
    SourceImage = Bimsync.Icons,
    SourceTypeImage = Bimsync.Icons

Bimsync.Icons = [
    Icon16 = { Extension.Contents("BimsyncConnector16.png"), Extension.Contents("BimsyncConnector20.png"), Extension.Contents("BimsyncConnector24.png"), Extension.Contents("BimsyncConnector32.png") },
    Icon32 = { Extension.Contents("BimsyncConnector32.png"), Extension.Contents("BimsyncConnector40.png"), Extension.Contents("BimsyncConnector48.png"), Extension.Contents("BimsyncConnector64.png") }

Bimsync.GetIssueBoards = (url as text) => 
        issueBoards = Bimsync.Feed(url),
        #"Rename columns" = Table.RenameColumns(issueBoards, {{"project_id", "Issue board Id"}, {"name", "Name"}, {"bimsync_project_name", "Project name"}, {"bimsync_project_id", "Project Id"}, {"bimsync_issue_board_name", "Issue board name"}}),
        schema = GetSchemaForEntity(Extension.LoadString("IssueBoards")),
        appliedSchema = Table.ChangeType(#"Rename columns", schema)


StartLogin = (resourceUrl, state, display) =>
        AuthorizeUrl = authorize_uri & Uri.BuildQueryString([
            response_type = "code", 
            client_id = client_id,
            redirect_uri = redirect_uri])
            LoginUri = AuthorizeUrl,
            CallbackUri = redirect_uri,
            WindowHeight = windowHeight,
            WindowWidth = windowWidth,
            Context = null

FinishLogin = (context, callbackUri, state) =>
        parts = Uri.Parts(callbackUri)[Query],
         result = if (Record.HasFields(parts, {"error", "error_description"})) then 
                    error Error.Record(parts[error], parts[error_description], parts)
                    TokenMethod("authorization_code","code", parts[code])

TokenMethod = (grantType, tokenField, code) =>
        queryString = [
            grant_type = grantType,
            redirect_uri = redirect_uri,
            client_id = client_id,
            client_secret = client_secret
        queryWithCode = Record.AddField(queryString, tokenField, code),

        tokenResponse = Web.Contents(token_uri, [
            Content = Text.ToBinary(Uri.BuildQueryString(queryWithCode)),
            Headers = [
                #"Content-type" = URL_ENCODED,
                #"Accept" = JSON_TYPE
            ManualStatusHandling = {400} 
        body = Json.Document(tokenResponse),
        result = if (Record.HasFields(body, {"error", "error_description"})) then 
                    error Error.Record(body[error], body[error_description], body)
 Refresh = (resourceUrl, refresh_token) => TokenMethod("refresh_token", "refresh_token", refresh_token);

//Schema table for each entity
DocumentType = type table [
                Project Id = text,
                Document Id = text,
                Library Id = text,
                Name = text,
                Type = text,
                Parent Id= text,
                Document type = text,
                Revision Id = text,
                Revision version = number, 
                Revision name = text,
                Owner = text,
                Created at = datetime,
                Published on = datetime,
                Published by user Id = text,
                Published by user full name = text,
                Published by username = text,
                Avatar url = text,
                Revision size = number,
                Additional format size = number,
                Media type = text

DocumentLabelsType = type table [
                Label Id = text,
                Document Id = text

IssuesType = type table [
                Issue board Id = text,
                Issue Id = text,
                Project Id = text,
                Topic type = text,
                Topic status = text,
                Topic priority = text,
                Due date = datetime,
                Stage = text,
                Reference links = text,
                Title = text,
                Creation date = datetime,
                Creation author = text,
                Modified date = datetime,
                Modified author = text,
                Assigned to = text,
                Description = text,
                Bimsync issue number = number,
                Bimsync assigned to user Id = text,
                Bimsync assigned to user email = text,
                Bimsync assigned to user name = text,
                Custom fields = list,
                Assigned to team Id = text,
                Assigned to team email = text,
                Assigned to team name = text,
                Status Id = text,
                Close date = datetime,
                Type Id = text

IssueBoardType = type table [
                Issue board Id = text,
                Name = text,
                Project name = text,
                Project Id = text,
                Issue board name = text

IssueLabelType = type table [
                Label Id = text,
                Issue Id = text

IssueStatusType = type table [
                Name = text,
                Color = text,
                Type = text,
                Issue board Id = text,
                Status Id = text

IssueTypeType = type table [
                Name = text,
                Color = text,
                Issue board Id = text,
                Type Id = text

LabelType = type table [
                Label Id = text,
                Name = text,
                Color = text,
                Group = text

MemberType = type table [
                User full name = text,
                Username = text,
                User Id = text,
                Role = text,
                Project Id = text,
                Visibility = text

ModelType = type table [
                Model Id = text,
                Name = text,
                Project Id = text

ModelRevisionType = type table [
                Revision Id = text,
                Comment = text,
                Version = number,
                Created at = datetime,
                Model Id = text,
                Model name = text,
                Created by user Id = text,
                Created by user full name = text,
                Created by username = text

ProductsType = type table [
                Object Id = text,
                Revision Id = text,
                Ifc type = text,
                Type = Record.Type,
                Guid = text,
                Project Id = text

TeamType = type table [
                Project Id = text,
                Name = text,
                Team Id = text,
                Role = text,
                Visibility = text

TeamMemberType = type table [
                User full name = text,
                Username = text,
                User Id = text,
                Role = text,
                Visibility = text,
                Team Id = text

TestType = type table [
                id = text,
                name = text,
                description = text,
                createdAt = datetime,
                owner = Record.Type,
                siteLocation = Record.Type,
                imageUrl = text

SchemaTable = #table({"Entity", "Type"}, {
    {Extension.LoadString("DocumentLabel"), DocumentType},
    {Extension.LoadString("LabelsAssociatedToDocuments"), DocumentLabelsType},
    {Extension.LoadString("IssueLabel"), IssuesType},
    {Extension.LoadString("IssueBoards"), IssueBoardType},
    {Extension.LoadString("LabelsAssociatedToIssues"), IssueLabelType},
    {Extension.LoadString("Statuses"), IssueStatusType},
    {Extension.LoadString("Types"), IssueTypeType},
    {Extension.LoadString("Labels"), LabelType},
    {Extension.LoadString("MemberLabel"), MemberType},
    {Extension.LoadString("ModelLabel"), ModelType},
    {Extension.LoadString("RevisionLabel"), ModelRevisionType},
    {Extension.LoadString("ProductLabel"), ProductsType},
    {Extension.LoadString("Teams"), TeamType},
    {Extension.LoadString("TeamMembers"), TeamMemberType},
    {Extension.LoadString("Test"), TestType}

GetSchemaForEntity = (entity as text) as type => try SchemaTable{[Entity=entity]}[Type] otherwise error "Couldn't find entity: '" & entity &"'";

 // Load common library functions
// TEMPORARY WORKAROUND until we're able to reference other M modules
Extension.LoadFunction = (name as text) =>
        binary = Extension.Contents(name),
        asText = Text.FromBinary(binary)
        Expression.Evaluate(asText, #shared);

Table.ChangeType = Extension.LoadFunction("Table.ChangeType.pqm");



 A screenshot of the hierachy in PBI desktop :

Screenshot 2023-05-22 150138.png


Actually it's already configured like that and the Gateway works. If I change the connector code and remove the hierarchy or if I change my request in the report to this :

Source = Bimsync.Contents(),

The refresh works and I don't get any error.



View solution in original post

Community Support
Community Support

Hi @etiskapp ,

You can refer the following links to try to solve your problem.

Use custom data connectors with the on-premises data gateway - Power BI | Microsoft Learn



Solved: Custom connector not showing when configuring gate... - Microsoft Fabric Community

Best Regards

Community Support Team _ Rena
If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help the other members find it more quickly.

Me answer wasn't a solution. It just shows that if you totally remove the data retreival, it works. But I need to dig into the data.

Actually it's already configured like that and the Gateway works. If I change the connector code and remove the hierarchy or if I change my request in the report to this :

Source = Bimsync.Contents(),

The refresh works and I don't get any error.



NO it's not solved. I'm saying that if I remove the hierarchy (and can't access to my data) this doesn't work. So this is not the solution.

The solution would then be : don't use your connector. Please reopen.

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