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total one to many relationship

Hi, Is there a way of showing in the visualisation how many rows there are in the "many" table when 2 tables are linked in a one to many relationship? I've had a look and cant find an answer, many thanks

Solution Sage
Solution Sage

HI @analyst10101 


Please see attached. You may try using COUNTROWS in conjunction with ALL to get TotalCounts.


Hope it helps.

View solution in original post

Community Support
Community Support

Hi @analyst10101 ,


Did @mahenkj2  reply solve your problem? If so, please mark it as the correct solution, and point out if the problem persists.


Best Regards,
Adamk Kong

Solution Sage
Solution Sage

HI @analyst10101 


Please see attached. You may try using COUNTROWS in conjunction with ALL to get TotalCounts.


Hope it helps.

Frequent Visitor

It's the total rows in the many table. There are 17000 ish rows in the many table, when the relationship is added about 1300 rows in the many table link to the other "one" table. The visualistions update and then show 1300. I would like them to still show 17000 for this specific visual.

Solution Supplier
Solution Supplier

use countrows() function on that table for which you want to see no of rows.

If this resolves your problem then please mark it as solution, Thanks!

Solution Sage
Solution Sage

Hi @analyst10101 


Is it total for that related item in table of 1 side or total rows in many table?


Better if you post sample data in editable format and desired sample output.

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