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Helper I
Helper I

Unpivot Multiple Columns without duplicating records

Hi all,


I have a link into Dynamics 365 to a data set that contains multiple columns, I am not happy about the way it has been built but I have to work with it. 


For each applicant there is a column for application date, application source, applicant name such as 

Application 1.Date, Application 2.Date, Application 3.Date. Application 1.Source, Application 2.Source, Application 3.Source etc etc.


There are 12 applicant details, although not all contain data. I have unpivoted each date type individually, CTRL+SELECT Application 1.Date, Applcation 2.Date. Application 3.Date etc but this creates multiple records of each account each time I do a new column. I have done them all individually (as in select all 12 for the relevant field) and yes this has caused a bit of an issue. The number of rows exceeds 50 million because of the duplication....infact, I think I am trying to create a file with over a trillion rows.


The data set has 1850 records so I have created 1850*12 for Application Date, 22,200*12 when adding the next column and I have about 12 columns. I have managed to get to a "septtillion" (21 zeros) number of rows of data...if they loaded. 



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