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SLICERS -> blank value

I have a question about using slicers in my report.

I make slicer which show the two years, I have just two values in my year table.

But I also see blank value , is it possible to hide this one ?  




Thanks for your time




@adamgor A work around I use quite often is to start with a visual that allows you to filter the value, select/exclude the blank, then change the visual to a slicer and the blank should be gone.

Looking for more Power BI tips, tricks & tools? Check out the site I co-own with Mike Carlo. Also, if you are near SE WI? Join our PUG Milwaukee Brew City PUG

View solution in original post




I have 10 data tables with product information, demand qty and period. those are related with keydata columns created from product and period information.  I used many to one relationsships between the files.
I use several slicers and all of them are showing blanks, while none of the tables containing blanks.

Moreover in the visuals (charts) also there are blanks and the columns in the visual are showing totally wrong numbers compared to source files.

I figured out that the sum of the blank columns and the value columns would be the correct numbers. So, I think, there must be a something with data relations.

this might apply for the slicer blanks as well



Not applicable

I believe the "HierarchySlicer" also removes the blanks automatically, and gives you the option to "show items with no data" at the Fields level should you need the blanks

Not applicable



I went to investigate and found that the company that developed this (in many ways rather excellent) custom visual still has "ragged hierarchy" (which means that "empties" are not displaid) on their development list. I hope they get to it soon, or that MS makes this visual standard with a few enhancements.

Frequent Visitor

Another great way to deal with this is using the custom visual "Chicklet Slicers" by Microsoft. I had this slicer issue - mine included not only blanks, but also other records represented in the slicer that had a null or zero value for the measure I was hoping to filter them by. Using the chicklet slicer, the report not only looks better, but easily filtered out the records in the slicer that did not have a value by dragging the measure I was using into the data field of the slicer visual. 

Thank you @bourquejeff !!


just what i needed!

Thanks you @bourquejeff was struggling to find a way around that one that didn't involve a Page Filter......

Regular Visitor

I was experiencing this same issue with a very simple table (Hour).  The data source did not have any null values, nor did the table that had a relationship with the Hour table, but the Blank() would still show in the slicer.


The fix to this issue for my situation was to check the "Assume Referential Integrity" box from within the relationship between the two tables.  This will make the relationship an "inner join" eliminating the Blank().



Referential Integrity is not working in Power bi.

Helper IV
Helper IV

I also have "(Blank)" showing up. But there are no records with blank so the "filter" workaround isn't working.  So I'll ask again - why is there a "(Blank)" in the slicer?

Even though "Blank" is not showing up on other visualizations, uncheck "Select All" and select only the items you want. This will fix your problem. 

It does not! (Blank) still appears. Man Sad

I used an "is not blank" filter and now "(Blank)" is banished.

Power Participant
Power Participant

@GGR You can filter data while importing using query to exclude blank values. But you won't be able to see associated records with blank value. OR you can rename the blank values to some meaningful name by creating a calculated column. Hope this helps!

Hi, I want to replace my blanks into word "Blanks" so that I can show them in the slicer as blanks itself as one line item, is it possible ??


I have list of word in the 1st column 






             <- Blank 



Expecting Output:









Thank you in advance 

hmm..I wonder what the PowerBI team is doing if they are not even looking at the feedback.  This is a very visible and simple problem for two years and still not fixed.  How can we trust any MS products?

Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee

I have data that has 0 blank values, yet I still see (Blank) on many of my slicers


Any way to fix this?

@adamgor A work around I use quite often is to start with a visual that allows you to filter the value, select/exclude the blank, then change the visual to a slicer and the blank should be gone.

Looking for more Power BI tips, tricks & tools? Check out the site I co-own with Mike Carlo. Also, if you are near SE WI? Join our PUG Milwaukee Brew City PUG
Not applicable

@Seth_C_Bauer  I have created a Table with all the slicer values and have filtered out the Blank value and converted that to Slicer. However, the problem wasn't fixed and I could see the Blank value. Could you help me with this issue. Thank you. 

Not applicable


 is it the same now or can i hide the empty checkbox from slicer without removing assosciated data?

pls help

Not applicable

Hi @Seth_C_Bauer,


I tried your workaround but  it doesn't work for me. I changed the visual to pie chart, went to filters and ticked all the variables besides blank. Then I got back to slice but blank still appear.. 😞

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