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Helper II
Helper II

Rolling yearly Average



I am trying to calculate a rolling average. Its to calculate the yearly usage of a certain product over the last rolling 12 months and then from there I will calculate the daily average by working days (#260). 


I was using this formula but it doesnt match the actual yearly usage based on historical data.

UsageRollingYearly = CALCULATE(

I have another formula but I also cant seem to get it 100% right across all products

Usage12mo = CALCULATE (
FILTER ( ALL ( 'Calendar' ),
'Calendar'[Date] >= TODAY() - 365))
My question is which formula is more indicative of an accurate measure to calculate rolling 12 months usage?
Whatever number is calculated from either of these measures will be used to calculate daily average.

Hi @AA622 ,

Please update the formula of your measure [UsageRolling6mo] as below and check if it works or not...

UsageRolling6mo =
VAR __MaxDate =
    TODAY ()
VAR __EOM12 =
    EOMONTH ( __MaxDate, -12 )
VAR __MinDate =
    DATE ( YEAR ( __EOM12 ), MONTH ( __EOM12 ), DAY ( __MaxDate ) )
VAR __Table =
    FILTER (
        ALLSELECTED ( 'Calendar' ),
        'Calendar'[Date] <= __MaxDate
            && 'Calendar'[Date] >= __MinDate
    AVERAGEX ( __Table, [Usage] )

In addition, you can refer the following links to get the rolling average values:

Rolling Averages In Power BI


Rolling 12 Months Average in DAX

Best Regards

Community Support Team _ Rena
If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help the other members find it more quickly.

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Super User
Super User

@AA622 Try:


Better RA =
    VAR __MaxDate = TODAY() 
    VAR __EOM12 = EOMONTH(__MaxDate,-12)
    VAR __MinDate = DATE(YEAR(__EOM12),MONTH(__EOM12),DAY(__MaxDate)
    VAR __Table = FILTER(ALLSELECTED('Table'),[Date] <= __MaxDate && [Date] >= __MinDate)


Both of the formulas you have currently are equally bad in my opinion because they do not account for leap years.

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Better RA =
    VAR __MaxDate = TODAY() 
    VAR __EOM12 = EOMONTH(__MaxDate,-12)
    VAR __MinDate = DATE(YEAR(__EOM12),MONTH(__EOM12),DAY(__MaxDate)
    VAR __Table = FILTER(ALLSELECTED('Table'),[Date] <= __MaxDate && [Date] >= __MinDate)


HAving issues with the last VAR line. Line 5


Am I supposed to reference a table?



I tried referencing our Calendar Table. What would I put at the last line? I also seem to be having an issue with the mindate VAR in line 5

Hi @AA622 ,

Please update the formula of your measure [UsageRolling6mo] as below and check if it works or not...

UsageRolling6mo =
VAR __MaxDate =
    TODAY ()
VAR __EOM12 =
    EOMONTH ( __MaxDate, -12 )
VAR __MinDate =
    DATE ( YEAR ( __EOM12 ), MONTH ( __EOM12 ), DAY ( __MaxDate ) )
VAR __Table =
    FILTER (
        ALLSELECTED ( 'Calendar' ),
        'Calendar'[Date] <= __MaxDate
            && 'Calendar'[Date] >= __MinDate
    AVERAGEX ( __Table, [Usage] )

In addition, you can refer the following links to get the rolling average values:

Rolling Averages In Power BI


Rolling 12 Months Average in DAX

Best Regards

Community Support Team _ Rena
If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help the other members find it more quickly.

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