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Rolling Weeks

I have a dataset which contains ids of respondents and on which week they were questioned on, i needed to categorize them in some form of 2 and 4 week rolling calculations. something like this

unnamed (1).png

The weeks are for slicer selection with their respective dates and are in a two week period. so if i select week no 34( 27/06-10/07) on slicer, on the left table which currently shows me all the date ranges it should filter something like this. 

unnamed (2).png

selecting the slicer for week 34 filtered the table as well, like, starting from the selected two week date range(27/06-10/07), it went back 10 weeks but in a two week rolling period like

Week 34-33, 33-32,32-31,31-30,30-29,29-28,28-27,27-26,26-25,25-24 and shows me the count of respondents accordingly. similarly if i select week 33


it shows me the data for 10 weeks behind that one, and the dates have also changes accordingly, now the bottom row shows the selected date and goes back based on that. 

i need to calculate both the 2 week and 4 week rolling periods and show according;y, any help would be appreciated. i have been stuck on this for quite some time now. 😅

Thanks in advance. 

Frequent Visitor

I have attached a dummy data to go along with this. if it helps. 

Click for file 

Hi, @Aryaja96 

Please check the file permissions, I have no access to your dummy data.

Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Eason

Frequent Visitor

@amitchandak , yes i do have a date table separately created and thank you for the prompt response, going to try this out now. 

Super User
Super User

@Aryaja96 , if select a date of the week and need more than that, You need and independent date table


Have both table with week rank


Week Rank = RANKX(all('Date'),'Date'[Week Start date],,ASC,Dense)
Week Rank = RANKX(all('Date'),'Date'[Year Week],,ASC,Dense) //YYYYWW format


//Date1 is independent date table 

Last 4 weeks =
var _max = maxx(allselected('Date1'), 'Date1'[week Ranl])
CALCULATE(sum('Table'[Qty]), FILTER(ALL('Date'),'Date'[Week Rank]>=_max-4 && 'Date'[Week Rank]<=_max))


Need of an Independent Date Table:


Power BI — Week on Week and WTD

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