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Helper II
Helper II

Revenue by new customers in a year by month



I am trying to calculate new customer revenue by month for a 12 months period beginning their 'LIVE DATE'


I have a Calendar Table but cannot create active relationship to the live date due to other data relationships.


See below example of what i am trying to achieve.


I have total revenue each month - but how much of that is generated by clients that started in that year.


Total Revenue1000200010005000
New Client Revenue2005006001500


I have tried many different calucaltion such as use relationships etc but these only give me the revenue for the month they went live rather than how much revenue generated per month for a period of 12 months from their live date.



Super User
Super User

Hi @fazza1991 ,


You can create an inactive relationship and then using the USERELATIONSHIP you can make the calculation would be something similar to this:


New Cliente Revenue = CALCULATE( SUM(Table[Revenue]), USERELATIONSHIP(Table[Live Date], DateTable[Date]))


Miguel Félix

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This does not work i am afraid, sum up the revenue on the date client went live rather than the revenue made each month for the next 12 months

Hi @fazza1991,


Can you please tell me if I'm understanding correctly what I refer below


You want on each month to calculate the total sales of the next 12 months of the customers that went live that month


So for example if customer A is live on January 2021 and have sells of 10.000 until today you want to show in January the 10.000? Or do you want to consider only the part of sales for that customer from January 2021 until January 2022 so 1000 in January 2021, 1000 in February 2021 and so on until 2022?


Miguel Félix

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Correct! From Jan21 - Dec21 or if a client started half-way through the year it would be Jul21-Dec21.


i have a partial idea to create a new column and do ENDOFYEAR(LiveDate,"31/12") but for some reason some of them dont always go to the last day of the year some random date but only handful

Hi  @fazza1991 ,


You just lost me, you just want the total until December not until july next year?

And once again you want it to be monthly value right?


Miguel Félix

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so the best way to explain is - i would like the in year revenue


so example of from and to dates when a client goes live


ClientClient LiveRevenue fromRevenue to


and yes please monthly

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