Hi! I'm fairly new to PowerBI, but am reading a lot of articles and learning a lot. I did come across an issue I can't seem to figure out though (well, it worked, until we entered Jan.). I am trying to get a measure for the MOM% from the previous month and the previous second month ( because I create the report at be beginning of the month to display the previous month's reporting data). I was using this measure to get the previous month (which worked until entering the new year): Month Issues = CALCULATE( DISTINCTCOUNT('Issues'[Issue key]), FILTER(Issues, MONTH(Issues[Date Created])=MONTH(TODAY()) -1) ) Then this measure to get the previous second month: Prior Month Issues = CALCULATE( DISTINCTCOUNT('Issues'[Issue key]), FILTER(Issues, MONTH(Issues[Date Created])=MONTH(TODAY()) -2) ) Then this measure to get the MOM%: Increase in Issues Created = IF(ISBLANK(Issues[Prior Month Issues]),0,(Issues[Month Issues]-Issues[Prior Month Issues])/Issues[Prior Month Issues]) Date created format is MM/DD/YYYY (there could be any number of issues created within each day of the month) I do have a date table with a relationship to my issues table however, the relationship is based upon a different date column. I've tried modifying a lot of the examples that I've seen from others post, but can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA