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How do I create a like/dislike button

Im trying to create a like/dislike button that when clicked would write back into excel and add either like or dislike into a cell. Does anyone know how to do that?

New Member

That is a great idea but what if there was no data in the liked portion of the table, how would I get it so that likes would get added to the table

Super User
Super User

Hi @SamFW12 


Power BI currently doesn't have a writeback capability. You can try using PowerApps or PowerAutomate or a combination of both.

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That's a good idea, the only issue I have with power apps and power automate is that I cant seem to figure out how to get the likes/dislikes to appear on a certain cell without creating a new row

Helper II
Helper II

First, you need to create two measures in Power BI to track the number of likes and dislikes. These measures will act as counters.


LikesCount = COUNTROWS(FILTER('YourTable', 'YourTable'[Liked] = "Like"))

DislikesCount = COUNTROWS(FILTER('YourTable', 'YourTable'[Liked] = "Dislike"))


Replace with your Table.


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