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Helper I
Helper I

Group rows by assignee

Hello guys, 


The following report is a pivot table that I have developed in Excel, I wonder if it's possible to do something similar in Power BI.

As you can see in the pivot table, the goal is to group the rows by agent and display them in descending order, taking as a criterion the ticket age column.



I have used the Power BI table visualization but I haven't been able to do the grouping.


Sample Data:


Ticket IDCreated - TimestampPriorityAssigneeRequesterSubjectCategoryTicket Age
59532022-01-03T08:21:18MediumTommy NguyenMichael Chenjusto sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum vestibulum ante ipsum primis inHardware Misc.286
135822022-01-03T08:21:18NormalTommy NguyenMichael Chendolor vel est donec odio justo sollicitudin ut suscipit a feugiat et eros vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristiqueDrop Box/On line storage189
188662022-01-03T08:21:18NormalEmily DavisMichael Chenplatea dictumst aliquam augue quam sollicitudin vitae consectetuer eget rutrumHardware Misc.713
929652022-01-03T08:21:18NormalEmily DavisAmanda Wilsonmi nulla ac enim in tempor turpis nec euismod scelerisque quam turpis adipiscing lorem vitae mattisDrop Box/On line storage787
696262022-01-03T08:21:18UrgentOlivia PatelKaren Rodrigueid mauris vulputate elementum nullam varius nulla facilisi cras non velit nec nisi vulputate nonummy maecenas tincidunt lacus at velitDrop Box/On line storage451
372092022-01-03T08:21:18HighJane SmithSarah Johnsona feugiat et eros vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique fusce congue diam id ornareDrop Box/On line storage479
909402022-01-03T08:21:18NormalJane SmithSarah Johnsondapibus duis at velit eu est congue elementum in hacHardware Misc.23
714632022-01-03T08:21:18HighSarah WilsonJohn Smithmetus arcu adipiscing molestie hendrerit at vulputate vitae nisl aenean lectusRemote Access/Desktop131
131542022-01-03T08:21:18MediumOlivia PatelDavid Leecondimentum curabitur in libero ut massa volutpat convallis morbi odio odio elementum eu interdum eu tincidunt inHardware Misc.486
86292022-01-03T08:21:18UrgentTommy NguyenDaniel Kimiaculis justo in hac habitasse platea dictumst etiam faucibus cursus urna ut tellus nulla ut erat id mauris vulputate elementumDrop Box/On line storage119
170852022-01-03T08:21:18NormalOlivia PatelDaniel Kimeros elementum pellentesque quisque porta volutpat erat quisque erat eros viverra eget congue eget semper rutrumHardware Misc.841
300062022-01-03T08:21:18HighMike JohnsonJohn Smithsapien non mi integer ac neque duis bibendum morbi non quam nec dui luctusRemote Access/Desktop714
274562022-01-03T08:21:18UrgentSarah WilsonDaniel Kimin consequat ut nulla sed accumsan felis ut at dolor quis odio consequatRemote Access/Desktop202
604612022-01-03T08:21:18LowJohn DoeKevin Patelphasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue vivamus metus arcu adipiscing molestie hendrerit at vulputate vitae nisl aenean lectusHardware Misc.49
967072022-01-03T08:21:18HighEmily DavisJohn Smithvestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae maurisDrop Box/On line storage450
443072022-01-03T08:21:18LowEmily DavisRachel Garciaconvallis nulla neque libero convallis eget eleifend luctus ultricies eu nibh quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulumDrop Box/On line storage856
812372022-01-03T08:21:18MediumJane SmithDavid Leeultrices mattis odio donec vitae nisi nam ultrices libero non mattis pulvinar nulla pede ullamcorperDrop Box/On line storage148
708272022-01-03T08:21:18UrgentMike JohnsonRachel Garciacongue risus semper porta volutpat quam pede lobortis ligula sit amet eleifend pede libero quisDrop Box/On line storage529
59842022-01-03T08:21:18UrgentOlivia PatelAmanda Wilsonmolestie nibh in lectus pellentesque at nulla suspendisse potenti cras in purus eu magna vulputateRemote Access/Desktop159
16402022-01-03T08:21:18LowDavid LeeDavid Leejusto morbi ut odio cras mi pede malesuada in imperdiet et commodo vulputate justoDrop Box/On line storage904
753872022-01-03T08:21:18LowDavid LeeKaren Rodrigueeget eros elementum pellentesque quisque porta volutpat erat quisque erat eros viverra eget congue egetRemote Access/Desktop890


Any idea?



Super User
Super User

if you could provide some sample data even if not your real data, sites like mockaroo help to create sample data, the it would be quite easy to show you if you can give an extract in text format?

If I took the time to answer your question and I came up with a solution, please mark my post as a solution and /or give kudos freely for the effort 🙂 Thank you!

Proud to be a Super User!

You right.


I'm sorry about that.


There you go.


Thank you,

actually it is a  bit tricky to do it exactly as it is in excel and you are correct, there isn't a one for one experience.    so you want to replicate the report in power bi, what is the value add power bi gives you.  If you really intent on using the exact matrix experience you can customize in excel, what do you want power bi to do for you?  I think if we can break that down that would be useful.  You can do power query into excel.  


Otherwise you might need to try a new one of expressing this data in power bi.  


examples in matrix / tables but also there are many different ways when you can do data visualsation.


but this isn't the only way, what is the message you are trying to communicate?



If I took the time to answer your question and I came up with a solution, please mark my post as a solution and /or give kudos freely for the effort 🙂 Thank you!

Proud to be a Super User!



There is really no hidden message.

I'm sorry if it came across that way.

What I'm trying to do is create a SIMILAR report, which means having a table with the tickets records grouped (if possible) by agent and sorted by the Ticket Age field in descending order.


Thank you for taking the time to help me with this.


I greatly appreciate it.

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