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Data Snapshot

Hi All,

I am working with a dynamic dataset which shows total of aged stock units with no Date data available.

This reports gets updated every day and shows the YTD data (total unit and break down by their age) only, and stored in a shared portal.

Wondering How can I take snapshot of this report and compare the total aged units among previous days, months and Year?

and how can I add the snapshots in my actual PBI report?






Super User
Super User

Hey @TanvirZakaria ,


to create some kind of history, you must interfere with the process that generates the data, making sure that a date/time information will be added, otherwise you will not be able to generate the information you require.

If this is not possible to you can try to extract the information every day using incremental refresh methods, but it will become tricky as you have to trick incremental refresh configuration abou the missing date. Then you can come up with your own history. I recommend this blog for a start: Blog - FourMoo | Power BI | Data Analytics


Please be aware, if you are building your own history, you have to be very careful about the data, and the whole process, otherwise the created history will be lost and you have to start over again.


Hopefully, this provides some ideas on how to tackle your challenge.




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Hamburg, Germany

Dear @TomMartens,

Thank you for your prompt advise on the above issue.

Since manually building history can be risky, I feel interfering with the process and adding features to the dataset with a date format will be the way to go.

Appreciate it!



Hi @TanvirZakaria 


Power BI cannot store the history data for you. Every refresh in Power BI is a full refresh which will query data from data sources again, import new data to replace the old data in the dataset. Old data in the dataset will be removed after a new refresh is completed. So Power BI cannot record the historical refresh time or store historical data. 


You have to store those historical data in a data source outside of Power BI, e.g. an Excel workbook, a CSV file, a relational database, etc. Then connect to this data source to get all data into Power BI to create the report your want. You can use some automation tool or script to query data and save it to the file/database daily. 


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Jing
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Hi @v-jingzhang ,

Thank you for your kind advise on this.

This is noted.

As per, I am trying to do some testing on this now.

Will be in touch with the outcome soon, hopefully.



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