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Helper I
Helper I

Data Modelling

My data would have 2 columns names "Posting Date" and "Name" as listed below.

The third column should be generated through a formula with the below condition.


For every name, for every date, a value of 8.5 should be shown only once in the third column.



Is there an formula to generate this in Excel and DAX in PowerBI?

Super User
Super User

Hi @tsarun1992 


1) add an index column in PQ:

If you can provide more info about your data, it also possible to add an index column with DAX


2) create a column with this:

Column = IF(MOD([Index],2)=1,8.5)
i tried and it worked like this:

Hey hi,


Thanks for the response.

My data is very simple but large. It will have "n" number of Date entries for a single day as the NAMES are 100+.

Also one person can have multiple entries for a day too. 

For eg, If there are 100 resources & 2 entries per resource per day, there are 200 entries per day and for a year there will be 200*365 = Approx 73000 entries.

But the value 8.5, I should get it only for one resource per day, so 100 entries and 365 days do 100*365 = 36500 entries as "8.5".

Hope I'm clear in my explanation. 

The sample needs to be representative enough. Try to enrich your sample by 

1) including a unique column you already have, otherwise an index column is suggested.

2) increasing the complexity, showing how "one person can have multiple entries for a day"


p.s. 73000 is not a big number. 

Thanks let me try.


73000 was just an example. The actual counts to 1 Million which still might not be a big number to you 😄

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