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Helper I
Helper I

Column format

I know powerbi treat everything in a column in a consistent format, like everything has to be either $ or  time/date or whole number. 


But for displaying purpose, I have a need to customize things at row-level like in Excel, ie. this row it's $ amount, next row it's Count, next row is % (users want to see the sign)


Any suggestion to achieve that? please

Super User
Super User

you can try something like this (look only the format)

Column = if(dimProduct[WeightUnitMeasureID]="grams"FORMAT(dimProduct[Weight],"Fixed"), FORMAT(dimProduct[Weight]/100,"Percent"))



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Super User
Super User

you can try something like this (look only the format)

Column = if(dimProduct[WeightUnitMeasureID]="grams"FORMAT(dimProduct[Weight],"Fixed"), FORMAT(dimProduct[Weight]/100,"Percent"))



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My bad, I format that column 4Q PR as text, because there are text in the first row of the column. 

So I play with it as text : "$" & value or value &"%".

I try to use it but it doesnt work. I am using a table since Matrix is aggregating everything.

Look at the Test1 measure, even it's Currency or percent it doesnt work.



Here is the data




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