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Array list

I'm trying to create a array in DAX and have my calculations using that list for filtering. Is this possible in DAX.


Total Backlog = 
var Quarters =
MONTH(TODAY()) in {1,2,3}, {"2020 Q1"},
MONTH(TODAY()) in {4,5,6}, {"2020 Q1", "2020 Q2"},
MONTH(TODAY()) in {7,8,9}, {"2020 Q1", "2020 Q2", "2020 Q3"},
MONTH(TODAY()) in {10,11,12}, {"2020 Q1", "2020 Q2", "2020 Q3", "2020 Q4"}

return CALCULATE(sum('Arc_Inventory_Export (Raw)'[BestEstCost])
, 'Arc_Inventory_Export (Raw)'[Status] in {"Construction", "Design", "Follow-up Needed", "Inspection Needed", "Project Identified", "Ready to Schedule", "Scheduled", "Inspection Complete"}
, FILTER('PSK Table', 'PSK Table'[PSK] in {"PSK403", "PSK404", "PSK405"})
, 'Arc_Inventory_Export (Raw)'[CompletionQuarter] in Quarters
, 'Arc_Inventory_Export (Raw)'[Blank Complete Date & Blank Quarter] = "0")


Community Support
Community Support

Hi @Anonymous ,


I modified your formula to below.


Total Backlog =
VAR MonthToday =
    MONTH ( TODAY () )
VAR Quarters =
    SWITCH (
        TRUE (),
        MonthToday IN { 1, 2, 3 }, "2020 Q1",
        MonthToday IN { 4, 5, 6 }, "2020 Q1, 2020 Q2",
        MonthToday IN { 7, 8, 9 }, "2020 Q1, 2020 Q2, 2020 Q3",
        MonthToday IN { 10, 11, 12 }, "2020 Q1, 2020 Q2, 2020 Q3, 2020 Q4"
        SUM ( 'Arc_Inventory_Export (Raw)'[BestEstCost] ),
        FILTER (
            'PSK Table',
            'PSK Table'[PSK] IN { "PSK403", "PSK404", "PSK405" }
                && SEARCH ( 'Arc_Inventory_Export (Raw)'[CompletionQuarter], Quarters,, 999 ) <> 999
                && MAX ( 'Arc_Inventory_Export (Raw)'[Blank Complete Date & Blank Quarter] ) = "0"
                && MAX ( 'Arc_Inventory_Export (Raw)'[Status] )
                    IN {
                    "Follow-up Needed",
                    "Inspection Needed",
                    "Project Identified",
                    "Ready to Schedule",
                    "Inspection Complete"



And if you want to do it with M in query editor, you could reference this similar thread:




Best Regards,
Xue Ding
If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help the other members find it more quickly.
Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee

Instead of that approach, I would add a column to have the quarter as an integer (1-4), store it in a variable called thisquarter in your measure, and use FILTER(ALL(Table[Quarter]), Table[Quarter] <= thisquarter) in your CALCULATE instead of the "in Quarters" approach (also add a term to filter it to the current year).





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@mahoneypa HoosierBI on YouTube

Not applicable

I literally don't understand what you said.

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