Re: IPL Data Analysis: 2008-2016

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IPL Data Analysis: 2008-2016

Cricket one of the most loved and favourite sports entertainment specially in India. Here I present data analysis for IPL (Indian Premier League) matches from the beginning till year 2016. This can be useful for all the cricket lovers to analyse and made quick decisions based out from this. Few of which can be like; Which cricketer has scored the most for a particular season ? or Which factors affect winning rate ? few of which can be toss decision and venue of the match played ! Various visual along with custom one have been used with filters and drill down capability. 


Watch out the Video here :




Regular Visitor

Hi Ashish,

Your analysis seems amazing can you please share the pbix file for the same.

As I am learning Power BI it will be helpfull.

New Member

can you please share pbix file to

Regular Visitor

Will you be able to share with me the pbix files? at

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good evening

did u received pbix file

New Member

Hi Ashish


Really impressed with example of the IPL analytics. I have tried to create similar report for the IPL data upto 2017. I hope you are ok with me using your idea in my blog. You can see it in my blog






Regular Visitor

I am not a Cricket fan but I am impressed with what you put together here.  I like the graphics.  There is a lot of information presented but once I used some of the slicers I liked the presentation.   I am new to Power BI and just picking up ideas.  Nice work!

New Member

Hi Ashish


I am not able to see the pbix file,can you share it?

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