How Indebted are Countries in Relation to % their Gross National Income (GNI) - A Band Chart Story!

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How Indebted are Countries in Relation to % their Gross National Income (GNI) - A Band Chart Story!

BAND CHART! Simple but clear

Band charts, or range charts, enhance standard line charts by adding a shaded area representing data ranges (e.g., maximum and minimum values) and a line showing the average.

They provide a comprehensive view of data trends and relationships, going beyond the simplicity of single-line visuals. By combining the upper and lower bounds with a central reference line, they offer a multidimensional perspective on patterns. For instance, this chart on countries' debt-to-GNI percentages from 1970 to 2022, the shaded area captures the extremes across nations, while the average line highlights the central tendency, revealing both variability and common trends over time.


Band charts give a fuller view of data without taking more space. In your debt-to-GNI example, they reveal trends and extremes, offering a complete picture of global debt dynamics.




Special thanks to Robert Mundigl  for bringing band chart to my radar.


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