- Contains Zebra BI visuals, which first and only IBCS®-certified solution for Microsoft Power BI
- Contains most of the hotel metrics in a visual form. You can also configure metrics and visualizations
- Intuitive interface
- Easy filtering of data in the desired section (by month, year-to-date, by Departments)
- The report can be sent to the end user as a link. The report opens directly in the Internet browser and does not require Excel or PowerPoint! This way, the General Manager can open the live report on the tablet
- Great analytical capabilities:
- KPI - the main hotel metrics by division, by month, and by Year-to-Date. In addition, KPIs may be reflected on users ' mobile phones. So you are always up to date with Occupancy, ADR or Revenue
- Benchmarking - determining a hotel's place in a competitive set based on three indicators: Market Penetration Index, Average Rate Index, Revenue Generation Index
- Standard USALI Profit and Loss statement by Actual / Budget / Past year, absolute and relative deviations
- Range Analysis - if, in fact, the room categories were not sold as budgeted, you can analyze deviations in the assortment and number of rooms sold. This will give you an understanding of the reasons for the deviation of the actual revenue from the sale of rooms from the planned one
- Calculation of the reasons for deviations of the actual gross operating profit from the budgeted one by divisions - Room Department, FB Department, OOD Department, Hotel. This makes it possible to digitize the results of the main divisions of the hotel and, consequently, the effectiveness of the managers of these divisions. The same calculation, but for the hotel as a whole, gives an understanding of the effectiveness of the General Manager of the hotel
- Breakeven Analysis by division, by physical and monetary indicators gives a clear understanding of which months the hotel operates with a profit, and which with a loss, and how much you need, for example, to sell room-nights to go to profit
- What If Analysis gives an immediate answer to the question, if we increase the Occupancy, for example, by 20% and decrease the ADR by 10%, what will be the Revenue, Gross Operating Profit and EBITDA? What If analysis can be a great help in forecasting the main indicators of the hotel for the next year