Hi Team, I had a question, I have column named as 'Region' in my powerBI data which consists of fields like AP, EU, LA, and NA(north America), column named division number which consists of fields lets assume X, Y, Z, B, etc. Now I have columns given below which corrsponds with individual region or division number. My Question is just like we can see in figure three tooltip shows min/max and avg closed/elapsed time for cases in the region/ division number similarly I want tooltips to depict most frequent values division number or regionwise for PrimarycaseOutcome_new and ActionTaken_new. Just like figure 3 If I hover the cursor on suppose NA then i want to see most frequent PrimarycaseOutcome_new and ActionTaken_new field in there which could be substantiated/unsubstatiated in case of PrimarycaseOutcome_new and termination, training, no action taken etc. in case of ActionTaken_new. I want to see which field is most frequent by diagram 1 regionwise then diagram 2 division number wise in the tooltips pop up box when cursor is placed on the specific bar of the chart. thanks RB
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