Hotel Customer Survey Report encapsulates vital insights into guest satisfaction and loyalty through the Customer Satisfaction Score and Net Promoter Score. CSAT measures guest satisfaction across v...
Precision Sourcing are one of Australia's most prominent and experienced recruitment firms, working in the data and IT sector. They do an annual employment survey to track trends in the market. I o...
Highlighting Exit Survey Results Exit survey dashboard built to give managers and HR the inside scoop on employee departures. Making it easy to analyse data, spot trends, and make informed d...
Hi All, Medical Survey Analysis from 2016 to 2023. Thanks, Bimal eyJrIjoiYTRlNmVlYWEtNmE2YS00YzU0LTk2MjMtNDcyYWFmN2UxZTc5IiwidCI6Ijg5NGQxMWUzLTM4NWItNDdhYi04MTA5LTgyNGFhNzc2OTU3NiJ9
Dashboard illustrating [fake] remote work survey data from employees #SurveyData, SurveyAnalytics, #SurveyDesign, #RemoteWork eyJrIjoiZWEyNzViOGUtZTM5YS00NjgwLTgyYjctMTI4YmQ0ODdlM2M0IiwidCI6ImQ3ZDljNjhhLTQ3OGItNGIwZi1iOTdlLWQyODE1NDU4YjdjNSJ9
Report visualize the data of Team's Scores of CSI (Customer Satisfication Index) sheets during June 2023 @ we Telecom Egypt Company. eyJrIjoiMjgxZDkwNjYtMDI1My00ODI5LTk3ZDEtMDU3ZmYyYWU3...
Result of 1.5k respondents of the russian speaking Project managers. eyJrIjoiMzc0NjEyM2ItOTljOC00ZjgzLWE4NGItNTQ5ODg4NTQ4ODMwIiwidCI6ImIwNmZmNTliLTJhMjMtNGI2YS1iYzM3LTMyOTdiMTcyOGQ4MyIsImMiOjl9
This report displays information from sample customer survey data of a fictional airline. The report contains key features:
The summary page shows the total number of customers that filled the s...
Precision Sourcing are one of Australia's most prominent and experienced recruitment firms, working in the data and IT sector. They do an annual employment survey to track trends in the market. I o...