I am trying to share only the content of a dashboard with one of my clients, in other words I would like to remove permission to redirect to the report directly from the dashboard, or anywhere else in the online service.
My problem: I have 1 dataset containing data owned by multiple clients, and obviously I only want to share the data owned by this 1 client. Below some approaches to this problem is shortly summarized.
- I can clone my report into a different workspace and delete all pages from the report in the new workspace, which the client in question should not have access to. This implies that upon updating the .PBIX file I would have to publish multiple times; once for every workspace I have. – Which I find a bit inconsiderate.
- I can copy the .PBIX file and query out all data that is not relevant for the client in question – this would imply doing maintenance/updates twice, which is obviously not on.
- I can apply RLS on the .PBIX file – which seems a bit extensive to conduct a simple task such as this. In addition, this would not remove the pages that are not relevant to client in question, just restrict them to view the content.
- I can publish to web – which seems a bit extensive and is vulnerable when it comes to security.
- I even tried a hack; to share 2 dashboards from the same report; the 1 that I want my client to have access to, and another random 1. Then on the dashboard that was chosen randomly under share --> Access --> Remove access --> tick remove access to report --> "Which logically would leave only access to the dashboard in question." – but this removes access from all dashboards related to the report that I just ticked in the described action.
- From the existing report; File --> save as --> "to create a clone within the same workspace" - afterwards delete all pages not relevant to the client in question, and Pin to dashboard from the new report. - This is the fastest way to achieve this at this point. Obviousely this implies conducting this action once for each client, which i find a bit extensive.
Potential solutions:
- The best and most simple solution, would in my opinion be to add an option under share (where you have sent email notification, enable reshare, etc.) – you would have a 4th checkbox saying, “share dashboard content only”, or advanced sharing options.
- Enable adding this restriction on user level – which would imply me having admin rights over my clients Power BI user (which I do not). Just think that would be a good addition to this, as I want to be able to further customize user view permissions internally as well.
Honestly guys I am a bit baffled by the fact that what I am describing in here is not available in Power BI online service. Am I missing something?
/ Martin