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Not a legal OleAut date..

Getting the following error while refreshing from an Oracle DB using the Gateway refresh...


The following exception occurred while the managed IDataReader interface was being used: Not a legal OleAut date..

Next refresh for GW_PoC is scheduled for 11/06/2015 15:00:00.

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Technical Information:

Activity Id : 2996cedd-0942-4764-8aea-8c3df6c54b41

Request Id : 3cf28e82-ebd1-47a7-8675-7e7c38e97f3d

Cluster Name:

Refresh Start Time: 11/05/2015 20:09:00Z

Refresh End Time: 11/05/2015 20:10:27Z


The dataset is absolutely fine as the "on-demand" refresh goes through just fine. Its the scheduled refresh that has problems. Any ideas??

Not applicable

This has been a very frustrating few days before and after Christmas figuring out why a dataset refreshes fine in Power BI Desktop but fails on the cloud service with the useless message "The gateway operation has been cancelled explicitly by the user or from a timeout." On another message thread for that language, there were suggestions about gateway issues and join cardinality, so all our time was spent chasing down that route. It took me rebuilding the dataset from scratch one table at a time, publishing to the service each time I added a table, then refreshing from the service, to find the culprit table, but I was still getting the wrong "timeout" message. So I created a dataset with just the one faulty table, and the error message finally changed to the helpful "not a legal OleAut date" message. Then, thanks to you guys, it was a quick fix to handle years 0016 and 0017 from the ERP.

I cannot thank you all enough...was tearing my hair apart 


Didnt understand why query would run on sql , refresh locally and then fail in the gateway


it was indeed dates



Thanks again




I had the same issue 

Data source error:Not a legal OleAut date.. The exception was raised by the IDataReader interface. Table: ...

In my case the issue of updating data set was:

in one table with Customers data we had birthday date - in date format obviously.

some of dates were incorrectly filled with data earlier than 1/1/1900 (for example "1/30/0992"

after filtration of the filed issue disapired.

looks like it some data filed parameter - which doesnot read that type of dates.
hope that helps

Hi All,


I had the same problem -- but wasnt able to easily identify the root cause, since there were many dates that were at extreme ends of the range (e.g. Year 0001 or year 9999)


This is what I did to fix it:

  1. Added a custom column in the with the following formula:
    NewColumn = Number.From([Due Date])
  2. Convert custom column to decimal number
  3. Sort the table by this column


This then gave the following error, which I could use to identify the problematic records in the table:


Date Error.png


I hope this helps someone else.

Not applicable



I solved this problem!

It was a date that I used in a relationship called DueDate, I found a value that was 05/05/0016 and this value was causing traoubles on scheduled refresh.

So, look all your date values, try sorting and checking de min and max value of each field.





Not applicable


@Anonymous wrote:



I solved this problem!

It was a date that I used in a relationship called DueDate, I found a value that was 05/05/0016 and this value was causing traoubles on scheduled refresh.

So, look all your date values, try sorting and checking de min and max value of each field.





Hi Rodrigo,


This solved my problem after a few attempts. Saved the day.


This problem should be marked as solved.





Impactful Individual
Impactful Individual

Thanks @Anonymous for your post! You helped me out.


I had the same error message. And indeed some of my dates ware having strange values, like 01-01-0015 and 01-01-0215. These should have been 01-01-2015. After I changed the data the refresh worked.

In my case these dates were not used in a relationship.



Cheers, Edgar Walther
ITsmart BI and Analytics consultant

(I wanted to add to this, in case other people google this and find this...)


The messed up years were proving to be the issue for me, too. Fortunately, there were only a few (0997 should have been 1997, etc.). And I was able to add some steps to the query to replace the values with the correct date. This kept me from changing column number types back and forth.

Not applicable



I had almost the same issue with an ODBC connection to a Progress Database. Everything works fine in Power BI Desktop but was not able to refresh once uploaded to a group.


I've applied the following work around and it works for me:

1. Go to the query designer

2. Transform the Date field(s) to a number field

3. Add another step in the Query editor

4. Set the number field back to the desired Date field.


Now i'm able to schedule and run the refresh.


I am also receiving this error - Not a legal OleAut date.. -  with scheduled refresh only (on-demand refresh works fine).

mravestein - Can you please clarify the steps that you describe?


I went into desktop Power BI and changed the data type using the dropdown depicted below.

Power Bi - Data Type.png

Number options were: Decimal Number, Fixed Decimal Number, Whole Number - I tried a few different ones.

My field is actually date/time so I I changed it back to that.


a) Am I making the changes in the correct place

b) Which numeric data type should I choose

c) I am not clear what you mean by step #3 (Add another step in the Query editor)


I'm new to Power BI so I appreciate any assistance you can offer.

Not applicable

Hi, Plysko,



By step #3 I ment, an additional step in Power BI (for example rename a column).

If you change a type, and then change it again, PowerBI only applies the last action.

for example:

Column value = 3/3/2016
If I change the type to whole number, it will be something like 21345674 (its quite random to me)

If I then change the type back to date the column looks good to me, but I still get the error. Power BI ignores the change to Whole Number


I did:

Change type to "whole number"

Renamed a column

Change type to "date"

This fixed my error.


See below for the applied steps (Type gewijzigd = Changed Type in the Dutch language)




Frequent Visitor

hi everybody


does any one has a solution for this error ??
this is driving me crazy, i have one data source with an oracle connection but it does not work fine.
any help will be appreciated.
thanks in advance.


Pablo A. Escobar


Error de procesamiento:The following exception occurred while the managed IDataReader interface was being used: Not a legal OleAut date.. The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
URI de clú
Identificador de actividad:08af9e96-73e7-b2f5-fc02-3c36498c85d0
Identificador de la solicitud:c5576b35-59b2-c43e-c94a-b6597a6e469d

2015-12-08 14:53:02Z


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