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Helper I
Helper I

Does simplifiying my SQL query from Dataflows reduces load on the soruce system ?

I am working on a project where I have to pull 20+ million rows of data from a remote SQL server, It was configured through dataflow.
but it's been causing high CPU usage and crashes on the server, would simplifying my queries help to reduce the load? 
Instead of performing multiple joins and If statements, would it help if I do that once my data is in the dataflow? 

Also, this dataflow has to be refreshed daily and incremental does not really work with my current query, it causes more load on the server and takes 60+ minutes to refresh vs. 10 minutes for a full refresh.

there is nothing in the query that I won't be able to do Power query or DAX




                WHEN O.CSR LIKE 'Inet%' THEN


                WHEN O.CSR LIKE 'Scheduler%' THEN


                WHEN O.CSR IS NULL THEN


                ELSE 'CSR'#(lf)

                END AS CSR_Type,#(lf) C.RateChart,#(lf)O.CustID,#(lf)DR.DriverID,#(lf)FL.FleetID,#(lf)FL.Description FleetName,#(lf)C.LocalName, #(lf)C.CustSource, #(lf)C.EnsendaURL,#(lf)CT.CustType AS CustomerType, #(lf)O.Status, O.CSR, #(lf)CAST(O.OrderDate AS datetime) AS OrderDate,#(lf)O.OriginAddress,#(lf)O.OriginCity,#(lf)O.OriginState,#(lf)O.OriginZip,#(lf)o.OriginPlus4,#(lf)O.DestAddress,#(lf)O.DestCity,#(lf)O.DestState,#(lf)O.DestZip,#(lf)O.DestPlus4,#(lf)O.Caller,#(lf)OT.Description AS Order_Type,#(lf)O.Pieces, #(lf)O.ParcelType, #(lf)O.Weight,O.OrderType,#(lf)ORS.CompletionType,#(lf)CASE

                WHEN O.Pieces IS NULL

                                OR O.Pieces<= 0 THEN

                'No Qty'#(lf)WHEN O.Pieces IS NOT NULL THEN

                'Qty Available'#(lf)End AS Pieces_Status,#(lf)CASE

                WHEN ORS.POD IS NULL THEN

                'NO'#(lf)WHEN ORS.POD IS NOT NULL THEN

                'YES'#(lf)End AS POD_Status,#(lf)CASE

                WHEN OS.Delivered IS NULL THEN

                'NO'#(lf)WHEN OS.Delivered IS NOT NULL THEN

                'YES'#(lf)End AS Delivered_Status,#(lf)CASE

                WHEN OS.PickedUp IS NULL THEN

                'NO'#(lf)WHEN OS.PickedUp IS NOT NULL THEN

                'YES'#(lf)End AS PickedUp_Status,#(lf)CASE

                WHEN OS.PickedUp IS NULL THEN

                'NO'#(lf)WHEN OS.PickedUp IS NOT NULL THEN

                'YES'#(lf)End AS PickedUp_Status,#(lf)CASE

                WHEN OS.Dispatched IS NULL THEN

                'NO'#(lf)WHEN OS.Dispatched IS NOT NULL THEN

                'YES'#(lf)End AS Dispatched_Status,#(lf)CASE

                WHEN S.Signature IS NULL THEN

                'NO'#(lf)WHEN S.Signature IS NOT NULL THEN

                'YES'#(lf)End AS Signature,#(lf)CAST(OS.PickedUp AS datetime) AS PickedUp,#(lf)CAST(OS.AtOrigin AS datetime) AS AtOrigin,#(lf)CAST(O.CreatedWhen AS datetime) CreatedWhen,#(lf)O.UpdatedWhen,#(lf)CAST(OS.Received AS datetime) AS Received, #(lf)CAST(OS.Delivered AS datetime) AS Delivered,#(lf)OS.Pod,CAST(OS.Invoiced AS datetime) AS Invoiced,#(lf)CAST(OS.AtDestination AS datetime) AS AtDestination,#(lf)CAST(O.DueTimeTo AS datetime) AS DueTimeTo,#(lf)CAST(O.ReadyTimeTo AS datetime) AS ReadyTimeTo, #(lf)OS.InvoiceNumber, #(lf)CAST(OS.Paid AS datetime) AS Paid,#(lf)CASE

                WHEN CustSource = 0 THEN

                'Nothing'#(lf)WHEN CustSource = 1 THEN

                'Phone Directory'#(lf)WHEN CustSource = 2 THEN

                'Web'#(lf)WHEN CustSource = 3 THEN

                'Cold Call'#(lf)WHEN CustSource = 4 THEN

                'Advertisement'#(lf)WHEN CustSource = 5 THEN

                'Referral'#(lf)End AS CustomerSource,#(lf)CASE

                WHEN CompletionType IS NULL THEN

                'stop not completed'#(lf)WHEN CompletionType = 1 THEN

                'stop completed & driver didn’t scan'#(lf)WHEN CompletionType = 2 THEN

                'N/A'#(lf)WHEN CompletionType = 3 THEN

                'stop completed & driver scanned'#(lf)WHEN CompletionType = 4 THEN

                'stop completed – CSR manual entry/not scanned'#(lf)WHEN CompletionType = 5 THEN

                'N/A'#(lf)End AS 'Completion Type',#(lf)

                CASE #(lf)WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, AtOrigin, PickedUp) >= 0 THEN

                DATEDIFF(MINUTE, AtOrigin, PickedUp)#(lf)WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, AtOrigin, PickedUp) IS NULL THEN

                NULL#(lf)ELSE 0#(lf)END#(lf)AS 'Waiting Time at Origin location',#(lf)CASE #(lf)WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, AtDestination, Delivered) >= 0 THEN

                DATEDIFF(MINUTE, AtDestination, Delivered)#(lf)WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, AtDestination, Delivered) IS NULL THEN

                NULL#(lf)ELSE 0#(lf)END#(lf)AS 'Waiting Time at Destination location ',#(lf)CASE #(lf)WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) >= 0 THEN

                DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered)#(lf)WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) IS NULL THEN

                NULL#(lf)ELSE 0#(lf)END#(lf)AS 'On Time Performance ',#(lf)DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) AS 'Performance'#(lf) ,CASE

                WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) IS NULL THEN


                WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) <= 10

                                AND DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) >= -100000 THEN


                ELSE 0#(lf)#(tab)

                END AS 'On Time Performance (10 minute)'#(lf) ,CASE

                WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) IS NULL THEN


                WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) <= 10

                                AND DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) >= -10000 THEN

                'On Time'#(lf)

                WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) < -10000 THEN


                WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, Delivered) > 10 THEN


                END AS 'Early/Late'#(lf)#(tab) ,CASE

                WHEN Delivered IS NULL

                                AND DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, getdate()) <= 10

                                AND DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, getdate()) >= -10 THEN

                'Due within 10 mins'#(lf)

                ELSE 'Due within' + CAST(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DueTimeTo, getDate()) AS VARCHAR) + ' mins'#(lf)#(tab)

                END AS 'Expected On time',#(lf)CASE

                WHEN Delivered IS NULL THEN

                DATEDIFF(MINUTE, getdate(),DueTimeTo)#(lf)#(tab)

                ELSE NULL

                END AS 'Minutes until delivery',#(lf)CASE #(lf)WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, ReadyTimeTo, PickedUp) >= 0 THEN

                DATEDIFF(MINUTE, ReadyTimeTo, PickedUp)#(lf)WHEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, ReadyTimeTo, PickedUp) IS NULL THEN

                NULL#(lf)ELSE 0#(lf)END#(lf)AS 'Pickup Performance ',#(lf)DT.Price AS Price,#(lf)DT.Base_Rate_Price,DT.Fuel_Surcharge_Price,DT.GST_Price,DT.Loading_Time_Price,DT.Pieces_Price,DT.Unloading_Time_Price,DT.Waiting_Time_Price,DT.Weight_Price#(lf)FROM dbo.tblOrder AS O

WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN#(lf) (#(lf) SELECT#(lf) OrderID,

                                #(lf) MAX(CASE itemid

                WHEN 0 THEN

                Price END) AS 'Base_Rate_Price',#(lf) MAX(CASE itemid

                WHEN 1 THEN

                Price END) AS 'Waiting_Time_Price',#(lf) MAX(CASE itemid

                WHEN 2 THEN

                Price END) AS 'Loading_Time_Price',#(lf) MAX(CASE itemid

                WHEN 3 THEN

                Price END) AS 'Pieces_Price', #(lf) MAX(CASE itemid

                WHEN 4 THEN

                Price END) AS 'Weight_Price', #(lf) MAX(CASE itemid

                WHEN 5 THEN

                Price END) AS 'Fuel_Surcharge_Price', #(lf) MAX(CASE itemid

                WHEN 8 THEN

                Price END) AS 'GST_Price',#(lf) MAX(CASE itemid

                WHEN 25 THEN

                Price END) AS 'Unloading_Time_Price',#(lf) SUM(Price) AS Price#(lf)

FROM tblOrderItems

GROUP BY  OrderID#(lf)) DT #(lf)ON DT.OrderID = O.OrderID

INNER JOIN #(lf) dbo.tblCustomer AS C


                ON O.CustID = C.CustID INNER JOIN#(lf) dbo.tblOrderStatus AS OS


                ON O.OrderID = OS.OrderID LEFT OUTER JOIN#(lf) dbo.tblNFO AS NFO


                ON O.OrderID = NFO.OrderID LEFT OUTER JOIN#(lf) dbo.tblCustomerTypes AS CT


                ON CT.CustTypeID = C.CustType LEFT OUTER JOIN#(lf) dbo.tblOrderRouteStops AS ORS


                ON ORS.StampID = O.OrderID LEFT OUTER JOIN#(lf) dbo.tblOrderTypes AS OT


                ON OT.OrderTypeID = O.OrderType LEFT OUTER JOIN#(lf)#(tab) dbo.tblOrderDrivers AS OD


                ON OD.OrderID = O.OrderID LEFT OUTER JOIN#(lf) tblSignature AS S WITH(NOLOCK)

                ON S.PKID = O.OrderID

                                AND S.Type = 0#(lf)#(tab) LEFT OUTER

JOIN tblDrivers DR


                ON OD.DriverID = DR.DriverID#(lf)#(tab) LEFT OUTER

JOIN tblFleets FL


                ON FL.FleetID = OS.AssignedFleet#(lf) #(lf)Where Delivered >= '2016-1-1'

Super User
Super User

Instead of performing multiple joins and If statements, would it help if I do that once my data is in the dataflow? 

Performing merges in Power Query is extremely costly. Usually the SQL query engine is much (much) better at that.  The best merge/join is the one you don't have to do until the data is in the in-memory Vertipaq engine.  Let the data model do the work for you.


Dataflows are there to shield you (the developer) from slow source systems.  If your SQL server is not slow, then ditch the dataflows and use datasets with incremental refresh instead.

View solution in original post

Super User
Super User

Instead of performing multiple joins and If statements, would it help if I do that once my data is in the dataflow? 

Performing merges in Power Query is extremely costly. Usually the SQL query engine is much (much) better at that.  The best merge/join is the one you don't have to do until the data is in the in-memory Vertipaq engine.  Let the data model do the work for you.


Dataflows are there to shield you (the developer) from slow source systems.  If your SQL server is not slow, then ditch the dataflows and use datasets with incremental refresh instead.

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