Hello, I'm working with a dataset that includes urban cities, and for each city, I have latitude and longitude coordinates. However, I've encountered an issue where three cities, namely Khairan Pearl, Khairan Residence, and Mesila Coastal Strip, are not appearing on the map in my visualization. I'm currently unsure about the cause of this issue. You can access my data file through the following link: [Data File Link](https://zainkwt-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/ali_alsayer_kw_zain_com/EsOOP8bUt85MnIRxFNt9RqMBXB3FJZyZVn1VDYpcBy9wCQ?e=c0KdyN)
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Hi @alialsayer
What is your Desktop version ? Desktop has updated to 2.122.746.0 64-bit (October 2023) , please update your Desktop version to the latest one and test filled map .
Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao