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Power BI Designer for Mac

Provide a Power BI Designer application install for Mac OSs.
Status: Declined
New Member
Cuando sale la versión para Mac OS X . Solucion
New Member
I’m a big Apple Mac fan and use Power BI in VirtualBox running Windows 64 bit on my 27 inch iMac. I’m sure it’s better then running it on my computer then running it on a real PC. So, Mac fans can have the best of both worlds.
New Member
Hello, my name´s Gustavo, I think is a better idea to have PowerBI for a OS system.
New Member
We are not considering bringing Power BI Desktop to Mac anytime soon; however, we do plan to bring more and more authoring capabilities from Power BI Desktop into the web experience. In the meantime, consider running Power BI Desktop in an application like Parallels or
New Member
I don't use an AppleMac myself, but I do promote PowerBI to my clients. If the client I am working with have a large number of Apple MacBook users, then it becomes very difficult to convince them that PowerBI is the way to go. My current client is considering Power BI vs AWS Quicksight, but with the lack of a desktop client for Apple, it is hard to justify Power BI, in spite of the fact that I believe it is a much better product. Is there anything planned to develop and Apple product, or a product which is hardware agnostic.
New Member
I think that it would be great to have the option to work with Power BI Desktop in Mac OS
New Member
We need a native version on MacOS . I know that I can use on Virtual Machine, but the performance is really bad. I can install windows on bootcamp, but the same... But I can't use MacOs, it's the same situation.
New Member
Our company mainly uses mac. As a new PowerBI user, I find the web app good for a starting point. However, I see that some features, like creating custom measures can only be done on PowerBI desktop. This isn't available on mac os so I feel like I can utilise the full potential of the service as I'm limited to accessing via a web browser
New Member
I’ll not persuade anyone to move off another Seattle based product until Power BI goes native.
New Member
İş dünyası büyük ölçekte Apple MacBook kullanıyor. Bunu sizlerde pekala bilmektesiniz. PowerBi yeni özellikler eklemektense önceliğiniz Mac kullanıcılarının bu hizmete masaüstünden erişimini sağlamak olmalı diye düşünüyorum. Teşekkürler.