SELECTEDVALUE('Attribute'[Attribute])="OHI > 12 Months",IF([on Hand Inv(Greater than 12 month)]=BLANK(),0,[on Hand Inv(Greater than 12 month)]),
SELECTEDVALUE('Attribute'[Attribute])="In-Transit (docs recvd)",IF([nopendelStock measure]=BLANK(),0,[nopendelStock measure]),
SELECTEDVALUE('Attribute'[Attribute])="OHI (>12 Months + In-Transit)",IF([On Hand (Greater Than 12 m) + In-Transit (docs rec'd)]=BLANK(),0,[On Hand (Greater Than 12 m) + In-Transit (docs rec'd)]),
SELECTEDVALUE('Attribute'[Attribute])="Coverage-OH+InTransit/3 mnth frcst Avg",IF([Coverage -OH+In Tranit / 3mth Fcst Avg]=BLANK(),0,[Coverage -OH+In Tranit / 3mth Fcst Avg]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="Monhtly Forcst- Currnt Month",IF([Monthly Forecast (Current Month)]=BLANK(),0,[Monthly Forecast (Current Month)]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="MTD Orders (Date-1)",IF([MTD qty measure]=BLANK(),0,[MTD qty measure]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])= "MTD Shippments (Date-1)",IF([MTD Sales measure]=BLANK(),0,[MTD Sales measure]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="BackOrder Qty Net Off Stocks",IF([Backorder Qty (net off stocks)]=BLANK(),0,[Backorder Qty (net off stocks)]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="Customer Backorder $$",IF([Customer Backorder $$]=BLANK(),0,[Customer Backorder $$]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="Monthly Forecast (3 mon Avg)",IF([Monthly Forecast (3 mo Average)]=BLANK(),0,[Monthly Forecast (3 mo Average)]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="Total Commits (Curr Mon)",IF([Total Commits (Current Month)]=BLANK(),0,[Total Commits (Current Month)]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="Total Commits M1",IF([Total Commits (M1)]=BLANK(),0,[Total Commits (M1)]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="Deliveries to Eversena (Curr Mon)",IF([Deliveries to Eversana (Current Month)]=BLANK(),0,[Deliveries to Eversana (Current Month)]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="Last 12 Month Average Shipment",IF([Last 12 month average shipment]=BLANK(),0,[Last 12 month average shipment]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="Last 12 Month Average Order",IF([Last 12 month average order]=BLANK(),0,[Last 12 month average order]),
SELECTEDVALUE(Attribute[Attribute])="FI Stock ( Not in BSR)",IF([nopenFIStock measure]=BLANK(),0,[nopenFIStock measure]))
where above measure's decimal places is 0, and if convert it to 2 then it will convert it for all measures it have in dax.
but i want to convert decimal place for specific measure only, highlighted with Bold.
below is the graph i created using above measure.

where client only want decimal for bar 'Coverage-mnth frcst Average'.
Thanks in advance for your efforts.