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Having trouble getting Offset function to work - trying to calculate performance vs prior week

My calendar table looks like this. I inserted custom column to calculate offset weeks from today. 


I am now trying to create a measure like this from something I saw on here. 


The problem is that it will not let me pull in my actual calendar table (Called "Calendar Week to Date" )

Am I doing this wrong? 

Super User
Super User

It looks like the DAX you're having trouble with is for a calculated column, whereas you're trying to create a measure. While they both use DAX code, you've usually gotta be more careful with measures because of the different contexts in a visual vs a table - i recommend taking a read of these two articles: and


Now to fix your issue - you can try to wrap your 'Calendar'[Date] with MAX, i.e 

Week offset = 
var StartOfWeek = MAX('Calendar'[Date]) - WEEKDAY(MAX('Calendar'[Date]), 2) + 1)
... etc.


But if you're trying to calculate the previous week, you should also be able to do the same by using the DATESINPERIOD function:

I would do something like:

Previous Week Measure = CALCULATE([Current Week Measure], DATESINPERIOD('Calendar'[Date], MAX('Calendar'[Date], -7, DAY))

If you need more detailed help, you can try be more specific about what your expected inputs and results are.




Thank you for your help!

Any idea why the measure I copied from you is not working?




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